I cannot lose weight.
I cannot lose weight....: I cannot lose... - Weight Loss Support
I cannot lose weight....

Hi Safoora...sorry you feel that way. Tell me, what have you tried so far? And, how much overweight are you? I could definitely recommend some things for you - but please share what you have already tried, and like 'Concerned' said, how much do you weigh, and how tall are you?
Hi maryam,I was 68 kg and now I`m 95 kg.I`ve done weight watcher and NHS diets,but I think the diets are not the problems,everything is about me.
Ok, thanks, I understand. Well, yes, it is about you! And that is great! Because, even though you probably dont feel that way right now, you are in control! Treat your feelings as indicators of wheather your thoughts are in 'the right place' or not. If you feel bad about yourself, it probably means your thoughts about yourself are in the wrong place. Start there. Start practising seeing yourself in a different light. We are amazing beings and put on this earth to create something beautiful - and to be the best that we can be! =) I do have something to suggest for the weight loss that has worked wonders for me and many people I know. But, I wanted to suggest at first, go to mastermanifestors.com and click on 'Free stuff' - these are free meditations of about 20 minutes. Click on 'The Hammock'. Listen to this daily - it has really helped me a lot. Try the other ones as well, if you want. 'The magical beach' is very good also. It is all about 're-programming' the way we think about ourselves. You can do this, Safoora =) For the physical part, I take a protein shake once daily as a meal replacement, exercise and eat healthily. I set myself targets three months at a time. It really works. Let me know if I can support you =).
Dear Maryam. I sincerely thank you for your consideration.I really appreciate your help. I have checked the site,but there was not any free mp3 file.
Hi Safoora, please try again! mastermanifestors.com/free-..., you will come to 'Free trials and downloads' showing the front of a book called 'Manifesting Matisse'. Scroll down the page and you will see 'Free trial of guided meditations'. They show up in a long 'list'. Please try again, and let me know if it is working or not....otherwise I will have to find out why!
Hi, 95 kg and 174 cm .
Hi Maryam
I checked it again,there is nothing for download.But I found it from another site.Thank you so much.I like it so much.