...What's yours? I'm aiming to lose around 2lbs per week for the next 16 weeks and then hopefully treat myself to a new outfit for going to see Bruno Mars in concert in October. And I've entered the ballot for next year's London marathon, so would like to be slimmer and fitter to run it!!
(non weight) targets...: ...What's yours... - Weight Loss Support
(non weight) targets...

I have 2 pairs of jeans I have not been able to fit into for around 12 months, so that is my goal, to put them on and they are comfortable to wear.
good luck with your weight loss
My target is 1 lb a week so far so good 13 lbs lost but on the down side another 20 lbs to go - good luck with your target
Mine was to get into a size 14 mac my son got me some time ago - arms too would not meet in the middle even though it was double breasted - now it fits like a dream, my target is to keep wearing my new wardrobe - and to keep adding to it of course
Hi penguin77
I guess when I reach my target weight then my target (to some degree) will be to maintain that and not put it back on again - not even very slowly.
Once I've got it off - it's got to stay off.
Other than that, I guess my target is to kind of leave the weight loss thing behind - tick it off as "sorted" - and focus on something else.
Not quite sure what's next - might ditch the caffeine perhaps.
My fitness goal when I started was to be able to run a mile.
I've achieved that so I have set my self some other goals:
> Reach the required level of fitness in running to pass entry requirements for my age in the navy. This is 13 mins 50 secs for 1.5 miles
> Be able to run for 20 mins at the same pace I can run 1 mile.
I'm also using my old clothes as a guide, there's some pants I'd love to get back into that now do up, but they still don't fit.