Any people aged 60 on this community - Weight Loss Support
Any people aged 60 on this community

Hi anty,
Actually, I understand us to have contributors pretty much right across the 'young adult' to the 'more mature' spectrum.
I'm wondering why you're asking?

To be in contact with people my age and with perhaps the same problems.
Thanks for reply Doikosp
Anty I'm nearly 60. 58 in December, does that count?
Hello Janelily, yes it does ,thanks for answer, Ihave no friends or relatives who are over weight. Ihave been ill for 10 months and had an operation, still feel very tired eat only low fat but cannot get the weight off, exercise for 30 mins a day on exercise bike but does not seem to do much.
I'm sorry you still don't feel 100%. Are you following a healthy, low fat meal plan? Especially after an operation.
It could also be why you're still tired.
I'm sure eventually, if you keep up your exercising, the weight will shift.
Listen to me I sound as if I know everything!
I'm only talking from a mothers point of view, as I have to follow professional advice about meal plans and exercise myself.
I hope you feel better soon.
I am almost 77. You can aim to get healthy at any age. Good luck in your challenge.
I'm 66 but seem to have the same problems as everyone else on this site regardless of age. Overweight but all of us on here have taken the effort to try and do something about it even if it's a struggle so you're in good company and there is loads of support around. Would agree with 'Concerned' especially if you have had an operation. You need some healthy fat in your diet. My plan is to eat healthily, not cut out any major food groups (too expensive, too much hassle) and just eat less every day so I have small portions of everything around 1300 calories a day. Seems to be working albeit very slowly. Wish you all the very best, don't punish your body, it's been through enough. You're on a good site here and don't worry about the years, it's the calories that count
Thanks for your reply, I always ate healthy but since illness I have put on 2stone in a year, so dieting is new to me, but I will try and eat a bit more fat and smaller amounts.
Hi Anty - if you're new to dieting then you need to find something that suits your lifestyle. what I do suits mine but please don't take what I do as gospel. I (like many others on this forum) have been through every diet you can think of and the fact that we're on here shows how hard it is to keep to a restricted regime. Just a thought but if you were normally a slim person are you now on meds after your op where weight gain is a side effect? Our GP practice is brilliant - you can go to any of the practice nurses and get advice on meds/weight issues etc. Is there someone at your practice who could give advice. Just worried that if all of this is new to you then you need to make sure that any diet you follow is good for your overall health because at the end of the day that's what's really important. Please keep posting on here and let us know how you are getting on.
hi, im 59,i have fibromyalgia so cant always do 30mins excersise,,im just trying to do 2 days a week of bt 600 cals. i tend eat only healthy foods but i do like protein powders stop me getting too im going to try hyonosis, as im gd at losing half stone then i get lax lol
Hi anty.
I'm 62, and because it gets harder as you get older, I'm sure there must be loads of us out there! Ten years ago I was a size ten, I'm now aiming for size 12 and will be happy with that. Pretty active but the old twinges curtail the exercise more than they used to. Lucky enough to be retired now, after a job that damn near killed me and made me fat through comfort eating. Been stuck on 12st 1lb for two weeks, but it's got to start moving againg soon. Good luck, keep it up and don't cave in!!
Hi fatgurl62, I stopped work but I think it was that that made me unwell and then all the weight as I was always so active, ten years ago I was a size 10 now size 16, and do agree that I now have twinges that I get off the exercise bike and my knees just about walk me to a chair. Thanks for your reply, will not cave in.
Hi concerned I have not heard of high-glycaemic foods but will go to site to check them out. Never eat man made foods always cook for myself. Many thanks for advice
Yes an almost 64 year old
ye a lot harder im 59 and 11stone but kid myself i dont lk too bad but im only 5ft1 so?????? has anyone tried the 2day fast diet???
Hi i'm 62 and seem to be getting older every year
I swim and keep fit on a treadmill ( if the electricity keeps going up that will have to go)
I walk a good deal or used to. Now I've got a bus pass though.
am cutting way back on food as the food bank only allows 3 visits a year and the competition for Tesco throw-outs is getting fierce those young guns are just too fast and all the good stuff is gone by the time I can get to it.
With this government austerity program, I recon I've lost about 25 lb so far and still loosing
this must be helping the NHS no end
of course I have no money for the Cigs and booze, another plus.
They say we had the best diet in the War years spuds and spam
and we are going back to that.
Who could have imagined a Tory government could be so good for us poor folk.
Hi, I feel the same since my illness and operation I have put on 2stone, don't have a bus pass as I try to walk and use exercise bike. I don't smoke or drink, did when I was young and sometimes with all the stress I feel wish I did. I don't know why I am putting weight on as my diet is chicken veg and salad and could not afford extra things, wish things were better but we cannot change the country to what it was.
Hi Anty, I will hit the fantastic 70 next year and believe age is just a number. Okay, it's the number of years my body has had to ut up with my vagaries regarding food and exercise. I am trying the Paleo diet - more a food plan really - on doc's advice. No grains (hard bit) but lean meat, fish, lots of veg and fruit. I confessed to doc about cheating and having gluten free bread (I love tomatoes and egg on toast for breakfast - egg is poached in the tomato juice with lid to 'set' the yolk) and it seems to be working. Takes some planning but is satisfying and weight is coming off slowly. Keep up the good work, you can do this!
Hi Concerned - worth mentioning all the aerobic training effect will depend on the person's Resting and Max heart rates and their current level of training.
I have added a link to an article below which talks about recovery "Less is more" is the bit to look for.
Ignore the context it applies to all forms of exercise and all participants.
Its important also to distinguish between training - progressive - and maintenance exercise.
If the intention is to simply burn calories maintain range of motion in the joints etc then exercising each time is probably fine.
If this regular exercise has created what coaches would call a good endurance base then more intense exercise on fewer days with adequate recovery might be another approach to try.
All depends on your own specific goals. If it is primarily weight management - higher intensity will burn more calories! The increased muscle mass will also be more toned and burn additional calories 24 hours a day too.