Hi, Just found this website and like someone else I have just read, I have never blogged before. I have always had a weiht problem, and yo-yo dieted for years, in 2005 I got down to 11st 10lbs,, but soon things changed at home and I was back on the bingeing, this morning I weighed myself and I was 16st 2lbs. I stood there in the bathroom and said that's it, as I do every morning, and swore I would not touch the chinese left over from last night, and what did I do - ate some. I know what healthy eating is, I know what I should and should not do but find one part of my mind says one thing and the other half another. I hate my size, I will not buy new clothes because my wardrobe is full of the fabulous clothes I bought in 2005-2007.
My lifetstyle is manic and because of financial constraints it can be nothing else, I am self employed and work stupid hours, and the companies I work for are putting us under more and more pressure, and the work is stressful enough. I also teach swimming at weekends and two evenings a week. Plus work in voluntary orgainsations.
I need help and not sure how and what to do, I signed up WW online and got nowhere and attending a regular class as I have done previously is now not an option as I can never guarantee my time.
How do I stop myself!!