Hi ladies long story short my period started last week on Tuesday 14/09/21 and its now Saturday 25/09/21 and my periods usually only last 9 days but unfortunately this month its been on going .... I was supposed to be off this weds gone as it started spotting and getting lighter to the point I didn't need to wear pads anymore and I thought it was ending but today 25/09/21 the bleeding has started up again!!! Light atm and I don't know whats going on at all I'm worried and stressed about it and I need to know if anyone has this issue at all .... as I keep thinking my period has come back on even though it should be over by now...... I have pcos , use to be on norethisterone for a full year and 6 months straight but came of them in May this year! Once I came of norethisterone the first 3 months periods was okay but this month its just prolonged ..... for almost 2 weeks now and I'm also having slight period cramps and spotting but seems a tiny bit more then spotting ...... I'm super tired and frustrated
Will this go away .... my doctor rang me on Thursday gone and prescribed me CERETTEE how ever u spell it .... but not taken them yet! Has anyone had theses and will they stop the bleeding ........
I don't know what this bleeding is but my period should be over now and it's to early for another period to come on as it knly been 3 days and I've been spotting / light bleeding since weds........