I got diagnosed pcos nearly 8 years ago but I have not had my period for 12 years.. Anyone had the same? Thanks
Anyone else that hasn't had there period ... - PCOS UK (Verity)
Anyone else that hasn't had there period in years?

I have PCOS and had some missed periods every few months. I'm also a type 1 Diabetic and count carbs. for both conditions. I had surgery done related to the heavy periods (when they would come)-- 7 years ago. Now, the periods are close to on time and lighter. Hope this helps. Are you having pain from not having a period? What did your doctor say?
Just the normal period pains sometimes there really bad that I can't sleep so I will just stay in bed curled up with a hot water bottle( only thing that sometimes helps) ... I have not seen my doctor in ages keep getting different doctors and I feel I have to explain everything over and over again so I'm sick of doing it so thought to try this and see if anyone had similar problems like mine... thanks
It’s okay! 😀👍
I had used hot water bottles and used birth control pills for a few years before my surgery. If you have constant pain, please call your doctor and schedule an appointment soon.
Hey, I think you really need to put your foot down with your doctor no matter who you see. It’s really unhealthy that you haven’t had a period in so many years. The doctors like to see you have a period at least 3 times a year. When my period didn’t show within 3/4 months I was prescribed norethistrone tablets to induce a bleed, at the time I was very over weight so it took a year for my periods to start becoming more regular. Now I have a period every 2 months ish so don’t need the norethistrone anymore. Hope this helps x
How did you lose the weight? I’m struggling with the exact problem and have also been given the same meds 3 x year
Unfortunately I was also diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, this comes hand in hand with PCOS but not everyone gets it. Anyway because of this I struggled to get my sugar levels under control, so tried different tablets & insulin injections but didn’t work, then was prescribed Victoza and have lost 3 stone in 6 months.... I struggled with my weight before this and would crash diet so many times a year but would always fail. The only ever diet that really worked for me was a high protein diet... There is a lady called Terri-Ann 123 diet on Facebook she started this diet, all you have to do is buy the book a one off fee and you get support 24/7. Hope this has helped & sorry for the essay x

You should be having 3-4 bleeds a year. If you aren't then it puts you at higher risk of developing some serious secondary conditions. Definitely make an appointment to get checked by the docs and take a look at the NICE guidelines for more information