Hi Ladies,
I currently take Brevinor pill for PCOS and I am 41 yrs old. I went to my docs on Friday my blood pressure was usually through the roof - my last reading was 166/94 which is really high. I have 3 pills left to finishing my strip. My GP won't prescribe the pill for me any more due to it being to dangerous for me due to age and blood pressure. So I have stopped taking the pill today - will I still have a period? I am due one in 6 days?
The GP mentioned to have the Mirena coil fitted instead. Has anyone found it beneficial for PCOS? I have heard there is issues with weight gain and acne - is the copper coil better?
Also is it possible to have the coil fitted under GA at hospital? (I have no kids and heard its very painful). Does the Mirena coil stay in for 5 years or 3 years? If I want it removed can this be done under GA as well? I have a low pain threshold!
If I can only have it done at the GPs what is the procedure/method used to put it in and take it out please? I heard its done standing up??!! Is an injection for local anaesthetic used or a gel? If so, where will the injection be? Please advise - I have to see the GP on Monday and I am absolutely terrified!!!!!
Thankyou so much!!!