Everywhere you look for information about PCOS the word “Keto” soon follows. It is impossible to miss and quite frankly everything you read makes it sound like the holy grail. So I like most Cysters, began to look into this craze.
One of the first articles I found was from Women’s Health. It spoke about how Keto diet was actually created for patients suffering with seizures and these patients then began to see huge drops in their weight. Reading through the article I started to discover that even for patients it was intended for, Keto is so hard to stick to that it is not considered a long-term solution and that actually some carbs are needed so in the long run…it isn’t even that healthy for you. ……. Got you curious yet?
So now the real digging commenced. Here is what I have learnt…..
Keto is good for weight loss this fact is true. If you want to lose weight quickly, this seems like a great option. But you aren’t looking at the full picture.
Your brain runs on carbs – for your brain to function correctly it needs a certain amount of carbs to do so, Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences states that our human brain requires 130 grams of carbohydrates a day minimum. To me this raises a bigger question ……..Is brain fog a symptom of PCOS or is it that patients are all carb cutting and causing brain fog? Food for thought on that one.
You are damaging your kidneys – by forcing your body into ketosis you are actually putting huge pressure on your kidneys which can cause kidney failure.
Them bones need calcium – following a keto diet forces your body to crave and leech calcium which then puts your bones in great risk of brittlness and osteoporosis.
Fat of the heart – by eating a high fat diet you are missing the fact you are eat far high saturated fat than you should be. This increases the risk of heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure.
Your thyroid needs you – did you know your thyroid needs insulin to function properly? By cutting out carbs, you could be causing more damage to your thyroid which can lead to much bigger problems.
Yes Keto will help you lose weight quickly, yes it may help balance out hormones……but it also does a heck of a lock of damage to the rest of your system that actually means that keto is not a long term solution.
This may seem super negative but quite frankly people need to be aware that although they can see more short-term improvements, the negative impact it can have on your long term health are bad enough to take a step back for a minute and really think and research what you are doing.
Follow my PCOS journey here: onepolycysticovaryatatime.w...