bad sleep causes health problems: - Vasculitis UK
bad sleep causes health problems
I read this too Sandra. It doesn't help us with Vasculitis to hear this sort of information. But what are we to do, especially if we are on steroids (known for disturbing sleep) ?
Not sure about everyone else but I can only manage 6 hours straight a night.
I would dearly love 8 hours.....sigh.....
I also have fibromyalgia which means I don't sleep well at all.
I'm glad they've highlighted all this as being ill affects our sleep which affects our health - it's a viscious circle and it's often ignored by medicos and the benefit assessors.
It is awful and interesting that other people have the same problem. I am shattered by 19:30 have medication that knocks me out to 24:00, then more medication, which puts me through , in and out of sleep till 2:00 - 4:00 when my day starts. I use my hobby of photography to get through these long nights, always pleased to see the sun up, so I can take my little dog of her morning walk. I am trying to push an hour of sleep in during the afternoon. It affects my whole lifestyle not sleeping, as evening events no longer really work, as I loved to go into London for a Classical concert - well they only start when I normally go to bed! By the afternoon due to minor strokes it really affect the brain which affects my speech and thought mechanisms, amount of concentration, unable to find words.
I take Gabapentin at night which does help me sleep, but my poor husband suffers as he says I run,shout,sob and throw my arms about all night, all of which I am unaware of, although I do know I have been dreaming.
The worst thing is, we both wake up exhausted and as he leaves for work at 5.40am and doesn't get home til 7.30pm he really needs his sleep. We are seriously considering seperate rooms but I really don't want to. Just another affect of this bloomin' condition.
Although we have a lot to put up with, our poor partners have as well!
Ifove a seperate room my husband keeps me awake snoring jolting farting grunting. So for a week for my own health’s sake I slept downstairs and even though I only had the sofa I felt so much better having got some sleep even though he sulks like a baby and throws a rant if I suggest sleeping separately. I even think if he can’t accept how it helps me he can opt to leave as it makes a huge difference to how I feel