Ill health retirement: I was ill health... - Vasculitis UK

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Ill health retirement

blackgolf profile image
9 Replies

I was ill health retired from my job two years ago after continually trying to stay in my post as a social worker since my diagnosis of cerebral vasculitis several years ago. My health constantly deteriorated and relapsed during this period. I found the doctors who were involved in making the decision on my level of retirement completely ignorant of the effects of my disease. I wondered if any one has any experiences of local government pension scheme and how they have been treated

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blackgolf profile image
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9 Replies
Albasain profile image

Hi Blackgolf,

Firstly, I'm sorry to hear of your Cerebral vasculitis. I too, was retired early on medical grounds due to my vasculitis. In my case, however, I worked closely with the doctor at OH and it was she who first correctly diagnosed that I had vasculitis. This was later confirmed by tests at my local hospital. but due to the fact that vasculitis was a rare disease Yes I did my research into it) and most people were quite ignorant of it existing I contacted John at Vasculitis UK and he sent me some leaflets. These I used to keep my managers informed about the disease and its effects and treatments. I also kept my manager regularly updated with my condition. The upshot of this is that when I was retired I received an enhanced pension and twelve weeks statuary pay in lieu of notice plus other benefits entitlements for long service. All in all, I have been well supported both during my illness and retirement. I worked for TfL.

tracynoe profile image

Hi Blackgolf

I have also had the same experience as Albasain when I was first ill I received a lot of support from OH and saw the FMO (Dr) regularly he followed my case closely and gave numerous decisions regarding work in the end I was retired but during the meeting I was being accused by the personnel section of not trying and faking an illness it was the FMO who stood up and told them they knew nothing about this disease and even he had taken advice from consultants and that I had made myself worse trying to work against advice and that they really needed to apologise for what they were trying to do. I ended up with an enhanced pension due to the FMO and I never received an apology from personnel. I worked for the local Police Force support staff. This was Three years ago and at the time I was 46

blackgolf profile image

I would really like some leaflets to use at my appeal as i have appealed twice and am now at my final appeal stage. I wish i had received the support that you both did. My oh doctor involved was lovely and understood my illness but they would not allow him to be involved in process once it started to be retired .i had other doctors designated who were completely ignorant and did not even examine me in any way. If there is anyone else out there who can offer me any advice or assistance please get i had touch. The stress of this is affecting my condition.

Albasain profile image
Albasain in reply to blackgolf

Hello again. You say that you has been retired for two years and indicated that you worked in local government. Were you a member of a union while working there? If so then they may still be able to help you even though you have been retired.

alybill profile image

I have Churg Strauss Syndrome and I was retired 5th Dec 2013. When I was first diagnosed my then manager treated me very poorly and bullied me expecting me to do impossible things, I reported this on two occassions but nothing was done even though we have anti bullying policies. My next two managers were very supportive and worked along side me but my level of work was reducing. The OH Dr was nice but had no idea about CSS and after I broke ribs from coughing said I was to be retired. A commity decided I was to be dismissed as I was incapable of doing my work. Initially I was given tier one of NHS pension but I appealed and was given tier two. Most Dr's have no idea about CCS but if I am seeing them for the first time or filling in forms I always include a leaflet which explains CSS and makes their life a little easier.When I appealed I provided CSS leaflet hosptal letters, copies of scans, letter from GP and a letter from myself explaining how the illness affected me. Hope this is helpful

blackgolf profile image

I have had the union involved and they continue to support me and they can't believe how they continue to ignore anything i day snout how cnvs affects Me . thankyou everyone who has commented i have found your suggestions helpful .

BooBoo39 profile image

Hi Blackgolf, I too have CNSV i was retired on ill health in November 2012. I was previously working for local Government. I was lucky to a point that a line manager supported me through the early part of my last relapse and knew my work ethics prior to the illness so he backed me 100%. However through their work commitments i was left to face final pension and pension medicals on my own , i did however ask a member of welfare to attend and also asked my partner to outline in writing all the areas in daily life/work etc that CNSV has an impact using my personal details/information but his objective point of view. This was addressed to the medical examiner for him to read at the start of the hearing. Please make sure if you take this angle that it is made clear that the letter is written and constructed by a third party not yourself. i also took along a list of all the dates of past appointments and medical tests . Unfortunately there is still little literature specific to CNSV/ Cerebral Vasculitis but get what you can from the internet ... Our own UK site plus Canada Vasculitis Foundation and the USA. But most importantly the examiner is more interested in how it affects you, as there are some common symptoms to each sufferer but alot are individual to each case. Do not let it slip their notice how rare vasculitis is and more importantly CNSV is rarer still and that sadly is still potentially a life threatening conditioning with no cure . It is also known that stress can exacercate the symptoms so a swift and successful conclusion to the pension case is beneficial to the sufferer . You omit to say which tier you were originally retired on. I am assuming not tier 1(that being the best outcome - enhanced pension with no further medicals) ?

Hope this helps, best of luck

blackgolf profile image

Thanks these are good pointers. I was retired on tier three where it suggests you will recover from your illness within 18 months to 3 years. I was not expecting to get tier 1 but feel tier 2 is applicable .

braindamage profile image

Hi. I worked for a University and was Medically retired after a long fight - two years after initial diagnosis. When I originally returned to work after a year, my 'boss' commented 'I haven't seen you for a while, are you OK'! The Occupational Health team were sacked twice during my attempt to take early retirement but after repeated complaints and with the help of my Rheumatologist, they agreed.

I was also advised to seek DLA, and with the help of our local welfare group, it was awarded indefinately and with medium rate care component. It was worth the fight. I wish you well in your retirement.

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