NEW VASCULITIS-UK LOGO: Back in May members... - Vasculitis UK

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John_Mills profile image
4 Replies

Back in May members were invited to vote on whether or not to keep the light bulb. A clear majority wanted to keep it but many also stated it needed updating. Those we approached for redeveloping the website were not keen on the light bulb. So....So we have a new modern logo BUT the lightbulb will still keep popping up to remind us of the past. The light bulb still lives on in the new logo you will see the V in the new logo almost mirrors the filament inside the lightbulb!! ;-) Three of the trustees sat with Paul as he started from scratch to design the logo, he started with the filament of the lightbulb. Several people had come up with suggested logo's but none were really satisfactory and we needed a new logo to go along side the new website we are developing (with Paul) so we started from the beginning!!

For those of you who've logged in before you may not see the new logo unless you refresh the page (Ctrl + F5 or the standard refresh command on your browser).

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John_Mills profile image
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4 Replies

I'm sorry but I don't like the new logo. It's very slick and modern but looks just like so many other slick, modern logos advertising everything from insurance companies to charities. The lightbulb was distinctive and as a clear majority (including myself) were in favour of keeping it I feel a bit upset that our wishes were over-ridden. Modern technology etc is all very well but I felt more connected to the good old Stuart Strange Trust.

Dbis22 profile image

I think it's great ...... but with one reservation. We're all supposed to be chucking these incandescent bulbs out! Having said that, a picture of one of those dreadful CFL bulbs would be no good at all; likewise the newer LED bulbs.

I do think everyone will understand the new logo though it may need updating again in 20 years!!

Besides, it's the people behind the logo that really matter!!

I've no doubt the new logo will attract its bouquets and brickbats but as someone involved in its development I'd like to add a few of points to consider:

The new logo includes a subtle inclusion from the old light bulb. The 'V' is the filament taken from the original which I see as symbolic of the new face of Vasculitis UK arising from the historic past.

With the greatest respect to the memory of Stuart and all those involved in the past, the charity was all but finished. This is not a criticism of anyone involved in the past but it had clearly become disconnected from the recent advances in vasculitis understanding and treatment and had a dwindling membership until John Mills stepped in. Without his foresight,leadership leadership and hard work, admirably aided by Susan, Pat and other notable members, the charity wouldn't have been resurrected and brought up to date. There's still a long way to go but it now provides its supporters with something more than just an exclusive 'club' to belong to. For those of us affected by vasculitis, we already have one of those...

Whether we like it or not we're now part of the modern world and the design constraints of a logo stretch far beyond something which simply sits atop a letterhead. Even some search engines now use logos and the facility to translate ours into an easily recognisable icon is essential (think Nike...). Despite the inference we have to have our own 'brand'.

Whilst the primary aim of the trust is to directly serve those in need, we also have to be noticed amongst the likes of the medical and corporate worlds. The ability to translate the logo onto fund-raising merchandising, make a significant web presence and be seen as highly professional by anyone from whom we can derive an income and attract is also essential.

Attracting attention is paramount to our success and anything we can do to make Vasculitis UK the first place that patients, carers & the medical fraternity turn to for help, support and information is fine by me.

I'm not advocating the logo will be liked by everyone and understand why it may be seen as a big departure from the old one but I'd hope that everyone can view it appreciatively in 'light' of our new emergence.

Ziggy profile image

Congratulation!... and many thanks must go to the team that designed Vasculitis UK new logo. It is of a great style and design, The eletrical filament of the old bulb is still definitely burning a bright white light for all of us, which has being incorporated beautifully in the design. The idea of having something that is 'eye-catching' has been acheived by the 'V' surrounded by the 4 unusual coloured boxes, which then enhance the life of the 'V'. The colours chosen are also eye catching as they are mainly unusual colours, which are well balanced, then the UK has been built in, very cleverly in a depicted design and continuation of the green.

When I first looked at the logo the 'V' caught my eye, I then was intrigued in the rest and was then drawn into the design and brand. It does have a very powerful image about it.

Having looked at other World-Wide logo's for Vasculitis this is an outstanding design and definitely gives' Vasculitis UK' an excellent Brand. I think to people who see it for the first time, will get a message from the logo that it is a professional (group), welcoming (warm bright colours), serious (V) Charity.

I feel this is going to help promote Vasculitis UK positively and when it comes to making merchandise hopefully we will be able to wear and use the logo in pride for Vasculitis UK.

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