looking for advice. I am currently waiting on confirmed diagnosis of anca vasculitis but based on my symptoms and anti-mpo test it looks like I have it.
I am on prednisolone but also rivaroxiban as I had a pulmonary embolism recently. I have had a bad reaction to iron infusion that caused calcium and phosphate to leach out of my bones and caused secondary hyperparathyroidism. This can cause your bones to soften and crack.
I have suddenly got a filling fall out and I beleive its due to the tooth below it becoming weak from the low calcium and hyperparathyroidism.
My question is for anybody with vasculitis who has needed dental treatment whilst on steroids- how did it go? Were you warned to wait and not have dental work until active vasculitis flareup is over? I am in an active phase with high neutrophils and rashes and ent problems at the moment.
Did anyone have complications caused by dental work?
I did see a lady on youtube whose son needed a lung transplant for GPA and he flared up after having dental treatment and he was on a ventilator and she though the dental treatment caused the GPA flare.
Any advice would be appreciated. I do not know if I can keep the tooth as it is (small bits of enamel with old filling in it) or if it could become infected.