John has now sent off his 15 page Consultation Response for Rare Diseases ..... taken forever to research and write but now it is done!! This is for everyone with Vasculitis.
It will be in the public domain sometime this week. Also if anyone would like a copy please pm me and John should be able to email you a copy. thank you Susan :0)
Consultation Response for Rare Diseases (Vas... - Vasculitis UK
Consultation Response for Rare Diseases (Vasculitis UK)

Hi John & Susan i would love a copy emailed please. Hope John is is keeping well

I too would like a copy please.
Can I be added to the list for a copy please.
i would also like a copy please, what do i need to do, as i don,t have Johns Email address, and i,m not sure if he would know mine.

The best thing to do is email John and ask for a copy. John would rather do it this way.
would love acopy too x

if you would like a copy please email John he will be pleased to send you a copy
i would like a copy please
I would love a copy please, hopefully tell me more about what I have.

if you would like a copy please contact John
I would like a copy please and how are you keeoing
Wow, this is in reply to postings from 2 years ago! The government's Rare Disease Strategy document resulting from the consultation has now been published and is available online - sorry I don't have the link to hand, but Google should oblige.
BW - John