Experiences with
Lung transplant4,888 public posts
Sweet's Syndrome: A First in Human Lung Transplantation
Pulmonary Sweet's syndrome (Sweet's syndrome affecting the lungs) requiring lung transplant. https://journal.chestnet.org/article/S0012-3692%2821%2900707-8/fulltext
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Tips to help with breathing ....
The average life expectancy of a COPD patient who undergoes a lung transplant is about five years. Patients diagnosed with COPD have a much better outlook if they quit smoking. COPD prognosis is dependent on the stage of the illness and the health of the patient.
The average life expectancy of a COPD patient who undergoes a lung transplant is about five years. Patients diagnosed with COPD have a much better outlook if they quit smoking. COPD prognosis is dependent on the stage of the illness and the health of the patient.