I have been diagnosed with cerebral vasculitis and I have a massive amount of symptoms, just too many to mention.
On my first attack of cerebral vasculitis it left me with a lot of damage to various areas of my brain and although I New I was very different I carried on with my life, which now was so different because my body just would not function the way it used to.
If I had a drink I cud wet myself, I could pass out easily and my immune system was never the same because a simple cold, which to me before my damage would be easy to recover from, and would just take time.
Instead now I would have to be bed ridden and it would take upto a fortnight to get out of my system and I could not do anything else otherwise it would take ven longer to recover.
Since the first attack 26 years have gone by and in that time I have had a few accidents, a car crash where I broke two bones in my back, which I know has bought my present symptoms on very slowly, and I had to finish work in December 2004.
Got married ............. - divorced last year.
And I even tried to work to save my marriage.
I just can't manage to maintain work although I very much want to, so I can recover from this nightmare, as I am struggling getting realistic benefits from the state , although I have told them just how I suffer.
I would prefer not to relie on benefits and would love to work,but I just cannot function correctly , it's unbelievable just how many symptoms I have and how they affect me and how I have to manage my symptoms and pay them respect.
A neuro phychatrist thinks , that a lot of my symptoms could be down to my damage and possibly also be caused by my demyelinating disease or by my brain not functioning the way it should be or by mini attacks of vasculitis.
Does anybody else have similar problems as my whole body is affecting with whatever this is.