Just a heads up to alert folk that at least in England and Scotland household other members of shielding households are supposed to be able to get the flu vaccine from the NHS now. My husband (healthy, aged 49) had his today here in Scotland. I (vasculitis patient) got done two weeks ago, as did my 85 year old dad. I don’t think this shielding addition to the flu vaccine categories has been well advertised, including by health centres. And you may run into difficulties trying to book. But it should be an option for folks. So do contact eg your health centre or appropriate if you want to follow up. I’ll give a link here to the English flu vaccine guidelines and list.
Flu vaccine and shielding household members - Vasculitis UK
Flu vaccine and shielding household members

Scottish guidelines nhsinform.scot/healthy-livi...

Welsh guidelines 111.wales.nhs.uk/livewell/v...

Northern Ireland guidelines nidirect.gov.uk/articles/fl...

My local health centre here in Dundee has been very pro active in telling people over 65 and at risk under 65 year olds to get vaccinated. But they haven't mentioned shielding household people at all. We thought Martin would have to wait, but I then asked a practice GP via Twitter. And she was very very clear. Get booked in now.
Our new GP practice asked if I lived with anyone under 65 and invited all in the house for the flu vaccine as I have been sheilding. Would not have revieved this info from previous GP surgery!
Nb you have to push for this but everyone in the household of a shielded person should be vaccinated. Regardless of their age etc hope that this helps
Thank you for this mail. I had problems getting a flu jab for me and my son as members of a household of sb who had been shielding. They ask you your age and that is that...
I went to GP again with the paper stating my husband's health issues and in the end we got one. Please persist ,but they don't make it easy !
All the best to everyone ,try to stay happy !
Just had mine done on Sunday. Really weird it was a drive through and had to stay in my car.
Not well advertised so I feel we must spread the word
My GP surgery hasn’t called my husband (over 65) or me in despite the fact that I have had one for years. I couldn’t get one there last year either as they didn’t have the under 65s. I’ve registered with Lloyds and boots to inform me when they are taking appointments but I’m not hopeful at the moment. There’s a note on the surgery website telling us not to call they will call us!
Thank you very much. I have avoided it for the last five years as I react very badly to vaccine but this year I think I have to forego being ill for the sake of extra protection. Scheduled to get it in November though...