Dear ALL,
There has been, across a Number of these Forums, Considerable 'Mention' regarding Vitamin B12- Cyano-Cobalamin (Sometime written as one word Cyanocobalamin.) I have, in my Previous 'Life' (I worked in Laboratories, before I was Ill) encountered this Material. It is Bright Red, VERY expensive indeed, and was only 'Isolated as a Single Substance' within the last Thirty Years (or so). Ok Chemistry Lesson over!
Vitamin B12, has VERY few 'Purely Vegetable' Sources, most are from animals. The New Zealand Native 'Green Lipped Muscle', most Seaweed (Kelp) and a few Micro-organisms/ Plankton are about 'It'. With this, in mind, Multi- Vitamins either contain Seaweed, or one of the 'other' Non Animal creatures (exactly What is, and indeed Isn't Animal Can be Tricky, to define, in such small Creatures- don't moan at me, it's a Fact). Essentially if it doesn't contain Seaweed then, in all probability, it contains Animal Products. However this could, very well, be Milk- which a lot of 'Vegetarians' do consume.
I hope that, this has, 'Put the Record Straight' as regards B12. Most, of the other 'B' vitamins occur Naturally, in Yeast and Yeast Extract (Marmite, or similar).
If anybody does need/ want, more information on 'B' Vitamins generally, please Feel Free to contact me.
Kind Regards