Vitamin B12, Cyano-Cobalamin Sources - Vasculitis UK

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Vitamin B12, Cyano-Cobalamin Sources

AndrewT profile image
10 Replies

Dear ALL,

There has been, across a Number of these Forums, Considerable 'Mention' regarding Vitamin B12- Cyano-Cobalamin (Sometime written as one word Cyanocobalamin.) I have, in my Previous 'Life' (I worked in Laboratories, before I was Ill) encountered this Material. It is Bright Red, VERY expensive indeed, and was only 'Isolated as a Single Substance' within the last Thirty Years (or so). Ok Chemistry Lesson over!

Vitamin B12, has VERY few 'Purely Vegetable' Sources, most are from animals. The New Zealand Native 'Green Lipped Muscle', most Seaweed (Kelp) and a few Micro-organisms/ Plankton are about 'It'. With this, in mind, Multi- Vitamins either contain Seaweed, or one of the 'other' Non Animal creatures (exactly What is, and indeed Isn't Animal Can be Tricky, to define, in such small Creatures- don't moan at me, it's a Fact). Essentially if it doesn't contain Seaweed then, in all probability, it contains Animal Products. However this could, very well, be Milk- which a lot of 'Vegetarians' do consume.

I hope that, this has, 'Put the Record Straight' as regards B12. Most, of the other 'B' vitamins occur Naturally, in Yeast and Yeast Extract (Marmite, or similar).

If anybody does need/ want, more information on 'B' Vitamins generally, please Feel Free to contact me.

Kind Regards


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AndrewT profile image
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10 Replies
Nap1 profile image

Thank you Andrew. Marilyn USA.

Christophene47 profile image

So Andrew, have you drawn a conclusion that B12 is a good or not good vitamin to be taking? Based on information you provided?

AndrewT profile image
AndrewT in reply to Christophene47

Basically and, I guess that I didn't say this too directly, If you are a Vegetarian you might need extra Vitamin B12. Meat eaters, on the other hand, are unlikely to need extra- unless there is a Medical Need. (This could be due to an 'Issue' with absorption, or something similar.) Taking a supplement, if you don't need it, is basically an expensive Waste if Money. No you won't Physically come to any 'Harm'...However your Bank Balance WILL suffer!

I hope that this has Clarified, this issue, for you. For most people, the answer is NO you don't need a Supplement. That's Most people. If you are worried however, DO ask your Doctor/ Consultant.

Kindest Wishes


Christophene47 profile image
Christophene47 in reply to AndrewT

Thanks; I agree about the costs involved; huge unregulated industry. However, my doctor advised me that taking more Vitamin D than recommended can become toxic ; less is more.

AndrewT profile image
AndrewT in reply to Christophene47

Vitamin D yes, that is Fat Soluble, and can Accumulate in the Tissues. The question that I answered, was regarding Cyanocobalamin- Vitamin B12. This is Water Soluble and, as such, cannot Build Up in your system.

I don't know, quite where, this 'confusion' occurred I haven't mention Vitamin D, as far as I am aware. I'm glad that I have had, the opportunity, to put The Record straight here. If you have any further questions, then please do, contact me again.

Sending my best wishes, as always


Honey46311 profile image
Honey46311 in reply to Christophene47

I take Vitamin B12 sublingual and I do believe it helps with my nerve pain. That’s just from my experience as an individual and as an Occupational Therapist. It took a little while to build up in my system. I know the B12 tablets aren’t the best to take because the body doesn’t absorb the B12 due to digestion. So it’s best to take a liquid form or sublingual. I could definitely tell a difference in a few months when I began taking it. I have Polyarteritis Nodosa and it affected my peripheral nervous system. Hope this helps.

Paprika60 profile image

Hi Andrew,

I take numerous Vitamin supplements including Vitamin D, zinc, calcium, magnesium etc.

My neutrophil had been low (around 1.5) and my doctor was concerned. I took the initiative and started taking vitamins B12 on my own for some months and my neutrophil has gone up to 2.5 or there about. So I have continued. My doctor does not advise me on supplement whatsoever...old school it seems. I am not a vegetarian but eat mainly fish and chicken breast meat...very rarely steak. Do you think it is B12 may have helped with my neutrophil level? I really don't have anybody to advise me on this... if my own specialist doesn't say anything, who can? And of course naturopath wants you to spend loads and loads of money so I stopped seeing one. I now just order middle range Nature's Best products...cheaper than those imported American lab vitamins costing hundreds and nicer than Holland & Barrett I think. Any advice you can provide would be appreciated. Thanks!!

AndrewT profile image
AndrewT in reply to Paprika60

Dear Paprika60,

I honestly can't answer, your question exactly, as I don't have your Blood Results- nor probably the exact Medical Knowledge. However, in my 'Post', I did say that Most People don't need a B12 Supplement- I then Reiterated 'Most People'.

Since you can't Overdose, on Vitamin B12- it's is Water Soluble, you simply 'Wee' out any excess- and you can get a Supplement at Reasonable Prices.....It really is Up To You and, if it makes you feel better or improves your Blood results, then Why Not. (This is NOT a Medical Opinion, just a Logical one.)

Sorry that I can't be more help Paprika. Do you not have a GP, or 'friendly' Doctor/ Consultant, you can ask to Talk to? Not ALL, of them, are simply after money.

I, really do, hope Everything 'Works Out', for you Paprika (an interesting 'Name'- Do you use a lot of Paprika?)

Do contact me again, if you want to.

Warmest Wishes


Paprika60 profile image

Thank you very much for your reply. I did write that my (vasculitis) specialist doctor does not get himself involved in any vitamin or nutrition advice in my message to you. But of course you are right in pointing out that it is water soluble. When you say "most people", I am assuming most people with vasculitis. So we don't necessarily absorb nutritions well due to our conditions/medications. But good to know.

I am in UK and both my vasculitis doctor and GP are part of NHS and are not after money at all. It is the (private) naturopaths who get commissions when their clients order supplements from specific I stopped seeing one quite awhile ago.

No I don't use paprika at all as I have urticarial vasculitis (very similar to Lupus) and I need to keep my condition under control and cannot take provoking elements. : )

Warmest wishes!

AndrewT profile image

Dear Paprika60,

Thanks for you reply, I'm glad that you ARE in the UK- this makes 'Things' easier. (Different Countries have there own systems some VERY 'Strange', compared to the UK.

When I said that 'Most People' I meant, just that. Maybe I should have been more specific and Said 'Most Non- Vegan/ Vegetarians'- since this was my Point' essentially. I'm sorry if I didn't make this clear Paprika. I'm sorry that you can't actually have, the Spice, Paprika- as it's one I quite enjoy.

I hope that you remain 'Well' (as well as you are able). I hope that I have Cleared Up, any confusion. Warmest Wishes


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