Hi, I wrote the other day about my hubby who had a vasculitis skin complaint, reminds me of those Great White Shark bites, from back under arm to front. It came in various other sizes too. I think it may be to do with HUVS as it is the same rash or the CSS one The one that involves nasal probs which he has had a long while, now with polyps and badly affected his 16 yr, I think, asthma at onset. got sufficiently spooked, by me Im afraid as he was buying the clap trap from a rubbish GP so went this morning to (demand) ask for referral to MRInfirmary Rheumatology. Came back triumphant but then said this other GP said vasculitis comes under dermatology! I am confused.
I tried my best guys, I really did but oh dear.
As you know he continues on Pred but continues to feel ill, tired and uncomfortable. Maybe bcause he described the current feeling of "stuff fizzing" under his skin that the GP said Derm. He has this as well as developing headaches now. Tonight he had spasms in his hands one at a time where it looked like cramp and he had to massage them.
Any further help and advice would be welcome. Oh he has taken to eating bananas too.
The referral is going snail mail, what my GP did. The Urology referral went through the electronic system with code etc to book own appointment. Is it because this is out of area?
We have the forms and are on the brink of changing GP. I was relieved to hear that the new surgery dont know if it is your second or twenty second move. I was worried about that! I interviewed Practice manager and learned a thing or two.
You can tell Im mithered to death over this as I cannot sleep. Not much good to me with my probs too!
Hey ho.
Thanks for your help. We might be one step closer????