Diagnosed MPA early 2013. Done the usual run of meds.
Cyclophosphamide, just finished number 19. Have had to keep reverting back to cyclophosphamide as other meds didn't hold me. Have had a go with Ritixumab.
Azathioprine upset my liver, had Mycophenalate but as steroids were reduced it failed too.
Now back on Mycophenelate, I was on 7.5mgs daily of pred. Trying desperately to come off steroids. They are a necessary evil, I do have a love it hate it relationship with steroids. I have had a Synacthen test which showed a blunt response.
I am starting to reduce doing a 5/7.5mgs alternating daily dosing.
On the day of 5mgs by the afternoon my muscles ache, I am fatigued, because MPA affected lungs I am more breathless.
But, I have put on weight, look Cushingoid and feel I really want to get off steroids.
Anyone out there that has preserved and won the steroid battle........thanks Pam