Hi all, I am new here really love to hear your experiences....
About 3 months ago I was feeling really stressed with work and feeling mega run down, when complaining of a sore throat my friend noticed I had a lump on my neck. So I went to the GP and she said it was a 'simple goiter' as my thyroid was enlarged - just one of those things, not to worry. She didn't feel my neck or seem that concerned as she said she thought it might be viral infection causing it ?! She did send me for a Thyroid blood test & Ultrasound Scan just to check. Only just had them done though...
Blood test result :
TSH serum result was 'normal' = 3.4 (range 0.5-5.0)
Thyroid scan:
Showed a small cyst 4mm (sounds quite big to me !?!) My GP said the report says' it is a 4mm fluid filled cyst. Thyroid is generally enlarged. No focal points? Nothing notable.'
Generally I feel fine, no symptoms now. The work stress is resolved and I am in good health Throat feels fine but still have a large goiter!!
I have lost weight, but I have been on a very diet for past 6 months. I had put on weight in last 2 years, after changing from a very active job on my feet all day to a desk job working with a load of feeders sitting all day in an office!!! As none of my clothes fitted, I have slowly cut out the cakes at work, no takeaways, no cocktails & vino..very restrained so I'm now back to my normal fighting weight!!! I also came off the pill, 6 months ago. Which in the past I have put on weight when I am on it
So anyway getting back to my question....
I asked my GP if the thyroid cyst is causing the enlarged thyroid. She said 'no' and it should go away in the next few months. I just wanted to find out if anyone has had a goiter that has gone away without any treatment?
(I'm female aged 30..'normal' weight for my tall height, 9 1/2 stone BMI 19.6... when I put on weight put on about 1 &1/2 stone, taking me to 11 stone, which actually still kept me in a normal BMI 22.9 which is crazy really that the healthy range is so vast.)