I'm not the kind of person to worry or to perform Google diagnosis but I really don't want this biopsy done (fine needle aspiration)
I've hand a lump on the left of my neck just under my jaw for about 18 months I put it down to glandular fever or something and ignored it. Over the last 18 months up until January I was just feeling tired out and achey which tied in nicely with glandular fever. In January I went to the GP as I was having trouble swollowing and thought I needed something to help me kick whatever it was i had. I had antibiotics and felt no better I went back in July and had some bloods done. All normal. By this point I had noticed weight loss and on GP records it was 3 stone in about 6 months with no diet/exercise change. I then had an ultrasound on my neck lump and thyroid. I was told I had nodules on my thyroid and yes my lump was an enlarged gland and thyroid was enlarged. I have now seen a ENT consultant who wants the needle biopsy. Has anyone else had to have this to diagnose thyroid problems. I'm 99% sure it's some sort of thyroid issue not showing on bloods but I don't know what bloods they have done and I REALLY would prefer not to have a needle in my neck when there may be better blood tests to find out the issue. Any advice would be appreciated.xx