just had my results -
FT4 36 (11.0-23.0) above range
FT3 15.1 (4.1-7.9) above high ref limit
TSH 0.02 (0.3-5.5) below low range
still feel hypo would T3 only help?
have endo appointment Friday
just had my results -
FT4 36 (11.0-23.0) above range
FT3 15.1 (4.1-7.9) above high ref limit
TSH 0.02 (0.3-5.5) below low range
still feel hypo would T3 only help?
have endo appointment Friday
In my opinion, and it is only my opinion, if you still feel hypo with levels like that then there must be something else going on. Have you had all the regular vitamins checked, like B12, VitD, Iron ect and have you had your adrenal looked into?
Moggie x
Hi Moggie thanks for the reply
vitamin D 128 (24.0-167.0) bone profile is fine what else should I ask for?
You should get the endo to check your B12, Ferritin, folates and iron. You should also ask him for an adrenal (cortisol) test as this can mimic hypo symptoms (as can low B12) if it is out of range. You might also want to ask him for a coeliac test (wheat, gluten intolerance) as this can stop you absorbing vitamins from food properly.
Your VitD look o.k. - what made your GP do a bone profile?
Moggie x
no idea, I have B12 injections every 3 months and take iron supplements I had a spit test for cortisol which was ok a bit low in the am and a bit high in the pm - i also try to avoid glutten but fail every now and then x
Hi bossbird - are you taking thyroxine or something else, and what dosage are you on? xx