New photo - reduced swelling
New photo: New photo - reduced swelling - Thyroid UK
New photo

I can see straightaway - very much reduced.
Hi Rod I know this has nothing to do with this blog but have you had your healthunlocked email today. I haven't and have sent a feedback but don't know if they won't be working til tomorrow.
Jo xx
I don't usually take much notice as I get lots (and lots and lots) of individual email notifications. But I think you might be right.
We have certainly seen some erratic emails from HU over the past day or so - some arriving within minutes, some taking very much longer.
If you wish to draw attention of HU - use the Feedback button (top green bar) - as you have. Or you could click on my name in blue and send a private message. Or use the Message facility toi send a message of the appropriate type!
Hope it gets sorted soon.
You look amazing! May I ask how your hypothyroidism is treated?
You look a lot better, how do you feel though ?
Hi Twinks, I feel better - nowhere near 'fixed', but compared to last year, much better. I'm still creaky and a bit wobbly here and there, but I've got a tad more energy and in the past fortnight, I haven't needed my hypo naps during the day. I'm aware that it's very early days but am hopeful K.
wow RoloHibbs, I AM SO SO HAPPY, you really are SO DIFFERENT in this photo!!! Am so happy you're getting better, thank you for posting the photos it really helps us to see how much people struggle xx
Thanks NBD. I took your advice about vitamin B12 and am taking 5mg methylocobalamin daily and am feeling better. My results in early 2012 were 169 (200-900) and GP gave me cyanocobalamin for a month until it reached 200 when I was told it was within limits. It was only after reading your blogs about PA and also you mentioned your poor mum and Alzheimer's that I started to ask my family some questions. My father's two sisters developed Alzheimer's. One aunt is still with us and I asked my cousins if she had ever had trouble with deficiencies or anaemia - you guessed it. They both had PA before developing their disease. My cousin currently has had diagnoses for RA, Fibromyalgia and PA, but she's not aware of ever having her thyroid levels checked! I've sent her Dr BD-P's book! So, in short, my improvements are obvious on outside, now to get further improvements for my insides!!! Many thanks, Kxx
wow that's fantastic, all the work you've done and how you are looking after yourself, I am happy to hear this.
YOu will know now that levels should be ideally always over 550, this GP who kept you at 200 was 'killing you'!!! just like mine was keeping me at 330!! disgraceful!
well done for taking action and getting better, hugs
Hi RoloHibbs,
You look like a completely different person. The improvement is astounding! You must have felt SO poorly. What a relief that you are finally on the road to recovery. I hope that you continue to feel better day by day.
Big love

Thanks! I did feel poorly, lol! But, little steps, little improvements all adds up. Kxx
Hi RoloHibbs, You look wonderful now, I hope your improvement continues steadily, keep us up to date with your progress.
Love Imogenxx
Wow RoloHibbs --- what a difference. How awfully dreadful you must have felt. Poor you. Have to say, a consultant once said to me "You do not look hypothyroid". Now I understand why and how some people can look . I had no idea. So pleased that things are looking up for you. Keep smiling. xxx
Someone (could have been PR) told me on here that they stopped using photographs in medical training in the 50's or 60's ... Have a look here if you haven't seen any.
Even the shine on one woman's hair is astonishing. Kxx
wowee what a difference ----but I can be certain -- that the same person was inside all the time ....but was never given the chance to emerge.......yer looking good on the outside girl keep it going on the inside........we are all rooting for yer !!!!!!!!
Wow, you must be so pleased. I'm glad you're seeing some progress.
It's very encouraging for those of us who feel frustrated with our own lack of progress. You've inspired me.
Thanks so much for this. I like to see people's progress too. At one point, at my worst, I didn't think I'd make it at all, never mind manage to lose the swelling, so I'm sure that if it can happen for me, it can happen for others too. I'm nowhere near 'there' yet, but i'm on my way, All the best! Kxx
Wow, thats amazing, so happy for you. Please can I ask you apart from T4 and T3 have you done anything else - changed your diet etc? Thank you. Sheila (alias Sidneymark70!) x
Thanks Sheila. I've done all I can really to help my meds absorb. I've taken all the good advice on here - for example no uncooked cabbage etc., stopped coffee, alcohol (hopefully the latter just until I get better,lol!). Taking supplements B12 (methylocobalamin), vit C, selenium, magnesium, iron, D3. I've added them all slowly so that my body doesn't react. I've also bought a vitamin powder which has most of the above, which makes into a drink so that I don't have to take so many pills. Same for D3 and B12 sprays. These are expensive though, and I get aggrieved that my 40 years of working has not allowed me to be entitled to these vits on prescription! Lol! I've still got a lot of weight to move so read interesting blog this morning on 5:2 diet - I may have a go... Kxx
can't stop looking at your before and after pics, it is a real inspiration xx
K! Thanks for that, you must be SO happy. Have you been diagnosed as being low on B12, Vit C etc? Find the uncooked cabbage strange. Whats in that? What I hate about being hypothyroid is around the eyes - bad enough getting old without the puffed exhausted looking eyes - and yours have really improved havent they? x
Doctor tested for B12 about a year ago and it came back 168 (200-900), GP put me on 25mcg B12 til it reached 200 when he told me it was in range. I now know (thanks to this site) that hypothyroids need to be somewhere above 500 mark, so am taking 5mg methylocobalamin daily. Haven't been tested. Uncooked cabbage, sorry - pls see here standing1.home.mindspring.c... - they suggest cooking some foods. The eyes- yes, before diagnosis I couldn't understand why my hideously expensive eye creams and serums just weren't working! The bags have dissipated now, thank God. Kxx
Hi rolohibbs i still look like your first picture my face is so puffy used to weigh 7 1/2 stone i now weigh 9 stone 6 have been like this for 2 years think it goes back further than that though. Looking at your new picture im hoping there is light at the end of the tunnel for me here hoping. best wishes
Hi Rolo, I also saw your previous photo and post and then this one. Wow, what a different person you look (and feel probably)! Has this amazing change come about because you are now on T3 can I ask please?
thank you for sharing with us, and both your photos. It's great to have some encouragement, I hope your health continues to improve well. Look forward to hearing some more!