Photo diagnosis day, 19th September, 2012
Photo 6 months ago: Photo diagnosis day, 19th... - Thyroid UK
Photo 6 months ago

You look so poorly I know this is probably a silly question, but how ill did you feel here? I'm asking your main symptoms, (apart from the obvious in your face)
Sorry, Just noticed your blog below d'oh!! X
Hi Helcaster, To be honest, I thought I was dying. The unrelenting fatigue was the main thing. And I felt that gravity had increased its hold on me x 10. I got up in the morning feeling lousy, still tired after full night's sleep. It was difficult to turn over in bed. I couldn't even sit up for long - I'd have to lie down on the sofa. I was breathless, so I couldn't speak much. I used to run out of energy half way through a sentence and started using a strange 'shorthand' - missing out unnecessary words from sentences to save energy. My husband accused me of 'barking orders' at him, poor man. Gasping for air. Attention span of a gnat! I was sleeping around 16-18 hours a day, at diagnosis, but still completely exhausted. I'd taken early retirement in Sept 2010, as I couldn't do a full week's work, but it was only when I appeared at the GP's looking like this two years later that he repeated my (previously normal) Thyroid tests and thankfully this time they came back as hypo! he started me on 75mcg Levo that afternoon.
Bad, bad times - hopefully in the past... Kxx
My goodness, I bet you are so relieved those days are hopefully behind you for good.
I can relate to a lot of your symptoms, but I am on my knees with exhaustion but can't sleep!
I think it's brilliant you've put your before picture on. It's like it jumped out of a text book on hypothyroidism. So helpful for others and I suspect their doctors. XXX
wow rolohibbs, that is one hypothyroid looking person in that pic, I am off to see your new photo now xxx
Why can we all tell the same story and yet health professionals i.e. GP's think there is really very little wrong? I still get fed up with people grinning at the thyroid diagnosis and saying things such as 'lucky you an excuse for being fat'. Great, thanks....I've got an awful feeling that some family members think I'm 'making a bit of a fuss...'
Feel better now, thanks!!
Couldn't agree more. My experience has been that most people say, "oh, you're so lucky! Take one pill a day and you're fixed.... And you'll lose LOADS of weight", as though I've had the most wonderful time putting the weight on and I've received a magical pill to make me lose it painlessly... Grrrrr...
the problem with these so called 'MAGIC PILLS' is as they are a total myth everyone who has a 'condition-----from cancer to a cold --and everything inbetween--will always be expected 'by others that do not suffer that particular problem ' to have accessability to the magic pill.........I only wish ALL people would keep an open mind on all situations and not judge on something that they have no experience or knowledge of........I have through this site and the info that I have gained over the past FEW months changed many peoples views-----including my own gp----so that they do not 'look at someone and make a sweeping judgement we all have at some time in the past----without any knowledge of the FULL situation or FACTS .........always remember if there was a 'MAGIC PILL' there would be no reason for diet programs or weightwatchers or others of that ilk -----and I wouldn't be as ugly as I am [ but I have a good nature and my lady loves me ---I think.....ha ha ] if you find a magic pill that cures all please let me know .......I wont bother doing the lottery..thats what the mythical magic pill means [ you've got more chance of finding the next JEWISH pope ] [ or making a cup of tea with a chocolate teapot in a forest fire ].......WE CAN ONLY PERSEVERE WITH WHAT WE KNOW.... and as for these other people THEY are the one's that are totally ignorant and NEED more help than we do or have from each other on this site.....sorry for rambling on but I do feel REALLY strongly [ and you did strike a little nerve-----I never have suffered fools like these idiots that think these magic pills are there for anything that doesn't effect them [but they will always give there opinion ] ......grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Yep....exactly the same. I've been on T3 for about 6 months now and although far from a good weight, I certainly feel - and look better. However the awfulness of life before that still shadows me, wish more people had a greater understanding. I honestly don't want sympathy, but understanding? Yes definitley please. Will see if I can do a couple of before and after photo's. Just love this site, keeps me sane x
can you please send before, and NOW pictures ....then we will all see how good you NOW look ------you will always have my total respect ----I am certain ,and would be proud ,----to meet with you together with my lady .......your's and others honesty and info on this site has helped US in ways that cannot ever be appreciated by anyone
Wow. That is a typical hypothyroid look. Amazing that doctors overlook the obvious with all the knowledge they supposedly have. Glad you're better and pray you go from strength to strength like I have x
Might I hijack your reply to ask if you have info you could share about the improvement to your thinning hair. I have so many problems with thyroid medication at the moment and am now on T3 only which as I understand it does not help with the thinning hair. I would like to seek expert help but my life seems to revolve around so many medics these days and my husband has just been told he needs urgent heart surgery so I don't seem to have the headspace or time to fit in any more consultations. It is odd that despite the more urgent problems that fill up my life, the thinning hair is still one affect that I find difficult to deal with so any tips would be gratefully received - unless anyone has a magic wand going cheap!!
Thanks - Flo