Hi all. New here and newly diagnosed as hypothyroid. Knew things not right with me for some time but was putting it down to ongoing stress due to divorce and thinking getting older doesn't help! Yesterday I was diagnosed and on tablets by the afternoon. In a bit of a state of shock tbh.
New: Hi all. New here and newly diagnosed as... - Thyroid UK

Welcome to the forum, Shenka.
The goal of Levothyroxine is to restore the patient to euthyroid status (normal TSH and thyroid hormones, FT4 and FT3).
For maximum absorption Levothyroxine should be taken with water 1 hour before, or 2 hours after, food and drink, 2 hours away from other medication and supplements, and 4 hours away from calcium, iron, vitamin D supplements, magnesium and oestrogen.
It takes 7-10 days for Levothyroxine to be absorbed before it starts working and it will take up to six weeks to feel the full impact of the dose. Your starting dose will probably need increasing so you should have a follow up thyroid test 6-8 weeks after starting Levothyroxine. Arrange an early morning and fasting (water only) blood draw when TSH is highest, and take Levothyroxine after your blood draw. Symptoms may lag behind good biochemistry by several months.
Make it a habit to ask for a printout of your results and ranges as GP comments like "fine" "okay" are opinions and do not mean that your results are optimal within range.
Really appreciate your reply. I know my T4 was low at 5.2 and TSH was really high at 107. I saw a new GP in our practice who rang a hospital consultant to discuss best dose to start me on as she felt the lowest wouldn't be sufficient. So I an on 50mg. Cholesterol reading was high which she said was related and should respond alongside the thyroid. I also found myself on a 24 hour home blood pressure monitor all on the same day! It is particularly concerning as I am going for 2 week holiday to Rhodes on Wednesday so all happening at once.
TSH 107 is high but often people with high TSH make the best recovery. It won't be quick because 50mcg won't be sufficient and will need raising in 6 weeks. Thyroid replacement is introduced gradually to avoid precipitation an adrenal crisis.
Cholesterol will come down as thyroid levels rise.
You will need more sleep and rest until your thyroid levels are restored so do pace yourself. I hope you enjoy your holiday.
Will do my best to enjoy holiday thanks. At least I will be getting plenty of rest reading by the pool! She warned me to take extra care in the sun as I would be more susceptible to burning due to the medication.
First time I've heard that. Hypothyroids generally have dry skin so you may need to moisturise more.
I feel so stupid re my diagnosis. It was just before I came away to Greece on holiday. So frightening for me with tsh over 100
People with high TSH at diagnosis often make a better recovery than those with lower TSH which can take years to get high enough to require treatment.
My TSH 107.5 dropped to 0.16 in 8 weeks on 100mcg Levothyroxine.
Thanks Clutter. I'm just on 50 as a starting dose so I imagine it will be increased after 6 weeks. Very reassuring.
Hi Shenka.
Many of us arrive here just like you! in a state of shock, weak, scared, frustrated or just plain angry. You've come to the right place for support and feedback.
When you are due to see the GP again (should be in 6-8 weeks) be prepared. Fast before lab tests (water OK), have them done first thing AM, and no Levo for 24 hours prior. This gives the most accurate results. Make sure to ask for your nutrient levels as well: so ferritin, folate, B12 and Vit D all need testing. As we tend to have malabsorption problems they are often deficient. This in turn affects how well we convert our dosage.
We can post our results here for feedback on progress (or lack thereof) as treatment goes on. X

Thanks for your reply. My GP did 10 different blood tests so I know 4 of them were problematic. High blood pressure, high TSH 107, low T4 5.2, high cholesterol. What else I don't know. Going to Greece Wednesday on 50mg levo. To have more blood taken Monday when I return the 24 hr blood pressure monitor to test for antibodies.
Your blood pressure will probably come down once you're on the right amount of levothyroxine. High blood pressure is a symptom of hypothyroidism.
It is all a shock but good that you have an explanation for how you've been feeling. Stick around - the folk here know all there is to know about thyroid issues so if there's anything you're not sure of, just shout.
Good to hear from you. I did read somewhere when googling that high blood pressure could be connected but was confused as my GP said it wasn't. Thanks for that reassurance. Speaking with people who have personal experience of the issues is very helpful. I have never had any real problems with my health before so it definitely does come as a shock. The only problem I have had over the years has been with depression, which has been successfully treated with sertraline. My GP said there was no problem combining the two, yet in the levo leaflet it says the opposite. So confusing.
GPs often know frighteningly little about thyroid issues. It's not their fault - they're taught that a magic levothyroxine tablet completely replaces the function of a healthy thyroid when sadly, it often doesn't.
So he probably genuinely didn't know that untreated hypothyroidism causes high blood pressure.
Welcome to the fun world of learning about what your thyroid used to do. But you'll learn fast, promise.
Thanks Jazz. Long road ahead...lots to learn...lol. My heart seems to be pounding in my ears today. Awful how you tune into every little physical or emotional quirk when newly diagnosed. I could become a total hypochondriac at this rate. Keep a soh at all times...trying!
Just wish someone would talk to me.
I was you 6 months ago, very much in denial about how awful I felt and blaming stress(I'd had an awful lot!!!) it was only when I fell asleep driving to work that I realised I had to speak to the gp. I never in a million years expected a phone call telling me my tsh was 147, low vit D, I was anaemic and I needed to go to see the gp that day!
It's been a long 6 months and I am still receiving increases every time I have bloods taken although I think the next one will probably be the last for a while.
Except for the last week or so I have been feeling better every week but don't expect to improve suddenly because it happens gradually.
Don't do what I do though and keep going and going, I found out the hard way that working full time, running a home and running around after 3 kids something has to give before you do. Speak to work and make sure they are on board and make sure that you get help at home.
Mostly enjoy your hols but take some antihistamines with you because at the 1st hint of sun I became very photosensitive and came out in a rash 🙄x
Thanks Emma. Am enjoying a very relaxing holiday and feel better already. Maybe it's the climate in Greece but I have noticed an improvement in my aches and pains and the dizzy spells are gone. Just hope my bloated belly improves but to be fair that's not too likely with all the delicious greek food.