please accept my appologies for missed info on my previous blog........test results 4/2/13 t4free.....5.0 tsh....125.59 8/2/13 t4free....7.0 t3free....2.9 tsh 103.40 8/3/13 t4free....14.7 t3free 4.5......tsh...13.59.......these figueres now show dramatic strides forward to the optimum levels..........
sorry bloods results: please accept my appologies... - Thyroid UK
sorry bloods results

Well done you for sticking to your guns and telling this endo where to get off.
Moggie x
just goes to prove that the info from this site helps.......and more important WE MAY KNOW MORE THAN THESE SO CALLED SPECIALISTS THAT REFUSE TO LISTEN TO THE PEOPLE THAT ARE the words of woolfie smith POWER TO THE PEOPLE........we can all get there------just be beligerant if you know your right...!!!!!!!!!
God that brings back memories - you're showing your age!!!!! (and mine)
Moggie x
at least WE remember the power of the it great -----the memories that is
ALWAYS remember your only as old as the one your GRABBING hold ov.....and if you remember it -----thats called means more than most give it the respect for------all good things mature with age ----bad things go off with age.....just look at the sell by dates at the supermarket.....WE AIN'T THAT BAD YET ARE WE !!!!!!!!!!! [ at least i aint ]