does anyone know of a diet to lose weight being... - Thyroid UK

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does anyone know of a diet to lose weight being hyperthyroid

Lezlee profile image
10 Replies

not on meds, having acupuncture and chinese herbs which helps considerably with symptoms but have put on a lot of weight since being diagosed last year so wondered if anyone else had this problem and if anyone had tried specific diets like gi?

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Lezlee profile image
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10 Replies
shaws profile image


I am not medically qualified but this is a link re hyperthyroidism and I think it is usual to lose weight whilst hyper and this is a link which may help. Of course, sometimes it may burn itself out and then you may be hypothyroid.

efilwol profile image
efilwol in reply to shaws

Not all hyperthyroid people lose weight. I have Graves' and have not lost or gained an ounce. I also have zero appetite, despite the stereotype of Graves' people being ravenous,

greygoose profile image

Yes, it could be that you are just in the hyper stage of a Hashi's swing. Have you had your antibodies tested? You really don't give us much information to work with.


elayneg profile image


I am Hyper and when my bloods are bad I pile on weight, I have never lost lots of weight being hyper it is only when I am stable that I lose weight. I have seen to Endos one said I had Hashimotos the one I am seeing now says I have graves.

She told me that not all people that are Hyper lose weight. I don't have a mammoth appetite in fact eat very little. I have breakfast and one other meal a day and I don't snack. I have always wondered if I had the operation and went Hypo whether I would lose weight. With my luck I wouldn't.

I haven't found a diet that works but I do take lots of supplements, I would love to exercise but just don't have the energy. I walk the dog most days though. My energy comes back when I am stable.

I don't suppose this helps other than to say it does happen. I know I queried my weight gain it was one of the reasons I went to the doctors. To say I have not had a lot of sympathy from the medical profession is putting it mildly. One doctor told me it was better to be fat than ill. Never saw him again.

Hope someone can help you

Good luck


Lezlee profile image

Hi def hyperthyroid my last tests were t4 23, t3 (normal2.5-6.5) 11.8, tsh (normal 0.3-4.5) 0.01, bp 156/71. My auto immune was tested last year and showed thyroxine per oxidase antibodies 122.30. I started off on carbimazole 20mg pere day last march, through to may, but increased weight significantly and felt ill so reduced to 10mg daily through to mid may when made earlier appt to see consultant as had such severe muscle cramps it made me stop in the street. It was extremely painful. He then reduce it to 5mg daily at this point t4 was 8, and tsh 2.7. On 30 may went back again to see consultant t4 8, tsh3.1, t3 3.8. Carbimazole stopped as had nausea and continued cramps throughout day and night. He said he would check biochem and calcium status. Went back 26 June free t4 18, tsh0.01, t3 7.7, ck 169(preciously was 710). Took trial of ptu 50mg daily and went back 18 July free t4, 15, tsh0.01, t3 6.7, ck 71 felt much better so was advised to continue on this low dose.

Went back late August feeling unwell again which he said was symptomatic with thyrotoxicosis, (also meant to say had scan in 2002 when they found goitre.) Tests then were free t4 13, tsh 0.01,t3 6.6. Consultant increased dose to twice daily

However went on hol mid sept and have never felt so ill couldn't walk get up from chair severe muscle pains nausea and generally unwell, it was scary!! So reduce to one tablet per day but couldn't slept, pains on walking etc so stopped taking ptu, a immediately started to feel better but it took several weeks to feel really on road to normal. Decided to go NHS as BUPA had runout and it was costing a fortune, only in with consultant for about five mins on each occasion. So that's the story saw NHS registrar in December with results at beginning of this. He said only answer was rai, not happy with that. In the meantime had started seeing Chinese med herbalist and acupuncturist (fully qualified and Rec by physics that I work with).

Feeling good sweating palpitations brain fog etc all stopped and see him every four weeks, now going to start on Chinese herbs. Understand need to address thyroid results so will try to do this, but must lose weight, have gained about one half stone which is very depressing, please help,,,!!!!

in reply to Lezlee


Have they offered surgery?




Can I suggest that you post this as a new question. It is off-topic for this thread and comments tend to get missed by people. Thanks


x :-)

I do hear about being hyper, you gain a lot of weight because you have more ravenous appetite. (Graves' run in my family) You get muscle weakness and you end up sitting around quite a bit and you eat to comfort yourself. Mother had it badly; she was never thin for her hyper. Then she lost a lot of weight in her 60s.

juby profile image

Hi I am hyper, I lost loads of weight and was really hungry but when on the carbimizole it crept up and up and up and now am a bit fatter than i was but this is due i believe to the muscle loss which was massive for me( muscles help burn fat) and also the loss of energy. I am now seeing what happens with coming off carbimizole as its been 2 years, early days yet but I think my weight is stabilizing. So perhaps the tablets are slowing everything up including weight loss.

carefulkate profile image

If/when you find such diet let me know I lost a bit before treatment but since carbimazole it went up and has stayed up get tired realy quickly but manage my pilates class each week hoping this cold weather will go and will walk more but it is hard off treatment now will relatively stable levels for 10 months but feel it is co ing back now had blood test but levels withing normal ie TSH 0.83 down drom 1.2 when last tested 3 months ago t4 is 11.6 same as it was stress is my trigger so relaxation required x

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