For anyone trying desperately to lose weight . . . - Thyroid UK

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For anyone trying desperately to lose weight . . .

36 Replies

Hi everyone

It has been ages since I posted anything on here but I just had to let you all know about something called the Primal Blueprint. It originated from an American chap called Mark Sisson, who has a website called marksdailyapple, containing loads of really useful information.

I have been trying to lose the two stone-plus I put on - and I mean really trying - permanent low-fat eating, walking 30 - 40 miles a week with my personal trainer (a huge German Shepherd!), cardio workouts 5 times a week, etc, etc. for the past three and a half years - but all to very little avail. I would lose a couple of pounds one week and put it back on the next - you all know the score I'm sure. I felt fed up, fat and permanently exhausted.

So I started to research on the internet 'hypothyroidism and weight loss' or something similar and kept coming up with 'paleo' or 'primal' diet. One of the posters on here has mentioned that she has had success following a paleo-style of eating and there were many more mentions and recommendations. So I decided to give it a go, ever the sceptic and really not holding out much hope, but I ordered the book from amazon and a recipe book or two and launched whole-heartedly into it at the beginning of last month. Five weeks in and I've lost 12 pounds so far!!!!! My fat belly feels like it's just melting away! Now, it's no walk in the park - you have to give up grains and sugar amongst other things, so no bread, pasta, rice, couscous etc but I guess it all boils down to just how yucky you feel and just how much you really want to lose the weight. Apart from the fat loss, I have to say I feel amazing - my energy levels are way up (no more falling asleep every afternoon, for starters), my skin is glowing and I feel goooood :-) You never feel hungry and just feel so much healthier from the inside out.

Anyway, if you're fed up feeling like a blobby fat lump and want to feel good again, I can heartily recommend it. You do have to put your heart and soul into it, but for me anyway, it has really worked and I just wanted to share. Oh and no, I don't work for Mark Sisson!!!

36 Replies
PinkNinja profile image

Well done! I must give this a try.

There is a question posted on here recently asking about this diet and about recipe books. Would you mind commenting on there for her?



in reply toPinkNinja

Hi Carolyn - done :-)

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply to

Thank you. I'm sure it will be well appreciated :) And congrats again on your success. Please keep us updated. It is good to hear positive stories. It gives us hope. I'm certainly feeling more positive about diet now.

greygoose profile image

I do feel that when people post on here about their weight loss it would only be fair to give their levels. It's very depressing for someone who has really low levels of hormone and can't lose weight to hear about diets like this and how much people have lost, and then find that they themselves can't lose an ounce on it.

I'm very happy for anyone who manages to lose weight, don't get me wrong. But I've been in the position of not being able to lose and know what it's like. It's only since I got onto a decent amount of thyroid hormone that I've been able to lose any weight. I do think we ought to have all the info, don't you? For one thing, it would encourage people to insist on getting enough hormone into them so that they can lose weight, if nothing else.

Hugs, Grey

in reply togreygoose

Hi Grey

If you read my post carefully, you will hopefully be able to read between the lines and realise that I have been hypothyroid for more than 4 years now and have struggled SO much to even lose an ounce or two. I'm not prepared to get all my paperwork out right now as I do have a really busy life and I try not to dwell on what a struggle it all is, but I will say that I am on what I consider to be a fairly high level of thyroxine (175mg per day) and - as you can tell from my blog - I have tried so hard to lose weight for the past 3 and a half years and NOTHING has worked, NOTHING. I have worn myself out to the point of exhaustion trying to lose a pound or two, I have had to give up a job I love (primary teaching) because I literally could not keep awake for the whole working day, let alone the evening and weekend work that teaching is.

The whole point of my post is to try and give people who have struggled like I have some kind of hope, that if they are prepared to give something like the primal blueprint their all, there can be light at the end of the tunnel. As I said at the end of my post 'for me anyway it has worked and I just wanted to share'.

in reply to

Thank you for sharing! :-)

Do you feel that 175 is your optimal level? Is that the level for you that controls yours symptoms?

I think the point that GG was trying to make is that for the majority of people, until they reach that point, they simply cannot lose the extra 'thyroid' weight.

It's always great to hear any kind of success story, though, and after all, everyone is different! :-)



greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to

I thought I had made that point. lol

People are always being castigated for putting on/not being able to lose weight - especially by doctors. Nobody - especially doctors - takes into account the level of their hormones. If it's low hormones that has made them put on weight, then they're going to need higher hormones to lose it.

However, imagine someone's partner or mother or whoever sees a post like this, they're going to say hm, this person is hypo and she can lose weight, why can't you??? I know, it's happened to me. People are like that, it's all black or white, there are no shades of grey. And that's very hurtful. If we have the exact blood results to compare then we can say ah, her T4 is at the top of the range, mine is at the bottom, that's why I can't lose weight, but when I get my T4 up to the top then I'm reasured that I too will be able to lose it. You see what I mean?

Quirky, I'm very happy for you that this has worked. And I did understand all that you were saying, it was very clear, and I in no way intended to criticise or belittle. I just think that one crucial piece of information was missing. That's all. No hassle. But it would be nice...

Hugs, Grey

dylansmum profile image
dylansmum in reply togreygoose

Hi greygoose, I understand what you are saying! I have put on two stone since becoming underactive, I keep to a 16point (old weight watchers) diet religously, but I loose 1 pound then put it back on, even though I keep to the diet! My husband looks at me with disgust now, he doesn't believe that I am trying soo hard.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply togreygoose

I get what you mean, Grey. There are hundreds of diets out there and none work for EVERYONE, so it is nice to have an idea of what other forces were at work. Part of the secret must be the nutritional value or the lack of nutrition in the foods you eat.

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply toHeloise

and food intolerances perhaps? People with food intolerances often find that they can lose weight once they have cut out the offending foods. Wheat gluten is one of these and something that is excluded from the paleo diet. I have had bread over the last couple of days and I feel pretty bloated so perhaps that's what I need to do too :)

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply toPinkNinja

And what have they done to the wheat now that they have genetically modified the seed? I'm afraid we are fighting a losing battle over "evil" technology.

PinkNinja profile image
PinkNinja in reply toHeloise

Totally agree! Sometimes I'd like to be living in the middle of nowhere being completely self-sufficient :D

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply toHeloise

I have heard that wheat has been 'bred' to contain more gluten than it used to, so that bread making is easier. And this is why so many people are becoming gluten intolerent.

in reply togreygoose

Hi Grey

Just for you :-) - just looked my last pathology report, which was 31 December 2012. My TSH was 2.9 then and Free T4 15.9. Hope this helps.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to

Thank you QDW, not sure that it helps, but it is interesting. It would be very interesting to know what other people's results are when they lose weight.

I'm afraid I can't reciprocate because I'm self-treating and go by symptoms. I don't do blood tests. Feel a bit guilty about that, but... lol

Thanks again, Grey

PoppyRose profile image
PoppyRose in reply to

Hi QD,

First of all well done you! Success for you at last and thanks for sharing. You have found something that works for you. Being Hypo T is a miserable guessing game with lots of trial and error - that in itself is exhausting. lol. You must be on a high - I would be.

I'm a lecturer gone part-time as it is far too difficult to keep energy levels up with young family etc.... I understand where you are coming from.

I was wondering too when I read your post what your stats and background information was so thanks for re-posting. Grey G has a valid point.

Your TSH and free T4 are in a much healthier position than mine (you must have a very understanding GP,) and I struggle losing weight and lifting energy levels too amongst all other symptoms that make me quite miserable.

I was wondering if you were tested for Celiac? or had tried a gluten free, low carbs diet in the past? Had you tried cutting out sugar (not natural like Agave)? these alone make a massive difference to weight loss - again - depending on where your Thyroid Function levels are at. It would be interesting to know. These are basic starting points for Hypo T's.

I recently visited a Herbalist (unhelpful GP) and we talked in detail about the lifestyle Hypo T's should be adopting in great detail (cost me a fortune so I got my monies worth!) she stated the below points, obviously summarised, which only confirmed what I already knew.

I do try, but I'm at such a poor starting point. I think this is the point GGoose is making. (apologies if not).

My TSH is 4.7 (0.3 - 5.5) and T4 10.00 (10.01 - 21.01) . I'm battling to get my meds raised and results analised further.

1. Eating natural/healthy foods, unprocessed. Research what is good for Thyroid sufferers. ALSO timing of taking some foods e.g. iron is OK when NOT taken with Thyroxine.

2. Cut down on Carbs. (more energy, less tired, avoids bloating)

3. Sleep is good for growth and repair (essential for Thyroid auto immune) which is why I bark at my hubby and children when mine is disrupted.

4. Healthy social life - avoid being isolated in your thinking and socialising. (prevents getting 'down')

5. Lots of Vit D natural/ outdoors preferably or otherwise.

Keep yourself busy and active both physically AND mentally. No sitting around.

6. Aerobic AND Anaerobic is needed to burn off fat that is; alternate sessions of jogging/walking then running fast/power walking for e.g ) 5 miles of walking may not achieve anything depending on your thyroid Function levels.

You could go into so much more detail on each point above on a more professional level. You will also find that these are the basics of the Primal Blueprint. Sorry really not being pedantic, lecturing means I research almost everything so never leave a stone unturned. Hence my disappointment with the GP (doing hi research for min ;) )

Do keep us informed.

Best wishes,

PR x

infomaniac profile image
infomaniac in reply to

Hi Quirky, that's fantastic! I'm so pleased for you. Paleo/Low Carb is definitely the way to go, and people are gradually coming round to the idea that's it's a much healthier way to eat. I would encourage anybody who is struggling to give it a go. I started Slimming World just after Christmas and got lured into thinking I could eat the rubbishy stuff my friends were eating and still lose weight but I ended up gaining almost every other week! I'm now doing a rather hard core (even more so than Paleo!) low carb diet at the moment and feel so much better on it, though it's a killer!

in reply toinfomaniac

Thanks for your positive comments infomaniac and your understanding. I found it seriously depressing to go along to Rosemary Conley classes week after week and lose a pound, then put two back on, etc. Low-fat, high-carb just doesn't work for a lot of people with hypothyroid problems. Kudos to you for your hard core diet - a killer I'm sure, but I bet you feel great as well :-)

sky00 profile image
sky00 in reply to

i am so tempted to pull my hair out-- at the posters who reply to someones good news with either negative feedback or off topic of the orig-posters comments, perhaps reading a post more carefully either would answer ones questions or at least curtail the prodding for answers from your own agenda... quirky has given some of us just the push we have been needing, i have seen postings about cave persons diet/paleo in the diabetes groups-but held off trying it-now that quirky has given such positive feedback in this group - i feel the time has come to go for it, the result of glowing skin-as i have had loads of skin troubles. so thank you quirky for sharing your experience-i appreciate your posting.. sky00

in reply tosky00

Thank you so much sky for your comments. I was beginning to wish I hadn't bothered and I was really only trying to give some positive news for once! If you have a look at some of the success stories on the website, there are many encouraging stories about really fantastic improvements with skin problems - the website is very 'American' in tone sometimes, but extremely encouraging :-)

sky00 profile image
sky00 in reply to

oh hey quirky, no problem-i calls em as i sees em-thank you for the post and i will certainly check out marks info-i can handle the amerikan tone as an x yank myself-- and i know just what you mean esp.if it's californian in origin... high-carb is a no-no for many diabetics as well even though-dietitians still insist diabetics have at least 3 servings a day--no wonder our thyroids and diabetes are running ragged..ya know a UK doc-dr.john briffa who used to have articles in the observer always advocated a cave person-type eating regime saying since(modern)western agriculture sprang up-all sorts of ailments have plagued us medically. and there are plenty of carbs in fruit & veg any way.. ok well thank you for the kind words, keep well, -in support.. sky00

in reply tosky00

Lol :-D Mark does indeed hail from Malibu!

PoppyRose profile image
PoppyRose in reply to

Oh no QD!

You should always be bothered - it's a success for you and we all need to know that someone on here is getting somewhere lol!

We're all waiting for 'the answer'. Just be aware that some on here are more curious than others and some postings leave us needing to know more. I'm afraid I'm one of them ;)

Too many times I've read some diets being posted and I do wonder if they have actually tried the 'basics' first. See my other posting.

Best wishes.


Elven profile image
Elven in reply tosky00

VERY well said Sky, even three years later! LOL x

Jackie profile image

Hi Yes, first be sure your tSH, T4 and Free T3 are right for you. If on T3 only of course quite different. However often weight "issues" are down to too little T4 or that you need some T3as well, this is common and depends on results.It also slightly lowers the tSh, so if very low not many GP`s would give it but usually endo`s very keen on it, costs?Always make sure you have the blood results, where ever done, ie GP`s ask the receptionist, hospital sec. it is routine, if asked. Always have a print out with the ranges as all vary. Then you can decide on results and how you eel what you want done! Normally we find T4 needs to be in top third of range and FT3 near the top. Often GP not doing all the tests, also their"fine" is not always ours. If you feel under treated you probably are.Post results if you wish.

Best wishes,


Hi qdw - thank you for this - interesting and I'll take a look at it as it may help me. I also need to do a bit of exercise!


gemmac profile image

Paleo worked for me I lost around 18 in 5 weeks and I was never fat to begin with just not happy with my size I'm back in a size 10 now. I have started to eat bad again and gained about 3 lbs but I will start paleo and soon but add few more carbs because I felt a lot better health wise. I don't have levels but wasn't taking thyroid hormones at the start I was on cortef. I'm now on 50 Levo and 12.5 t3

debs09 profile image

Really pleased for you , I shall be trying this today .. im fat 5ft 3 .13 stone and belive me i have tried every diet , Cambridge. Did that for 2 wks lost 1lb every One else 7 lbs and more .. slimming World , weight watchers, . Im can stick to a low diet , very strong willed lol .. can you post what u menú plan was please ..

in reply todebs09

Hi Debs

Thank you for your support - I think it's really worth looking into if nothing else has worked for you. As I said, nothing else had worked for me either and it's just so depressing when everyone else is losing weight and asking you how much you've lost when the answer is usually 'nothing this week'!! As I've said to Marie (mjflint), the place to start is a book called 'The Primal Blueprint' by Mark Sisson as it gives you a full understanding of what it's all about and then from there it's really up to you. I did LOADS of internet research and think one of the best sites for UK residents is 'Primal Britain', which gives loads of ideas for exercise, recipes and other fun stuff!

I will have a look at this diet I seem to have put a lot of weight on upper abdomen I have never had weight there before and wondered if this is a symptom of underactive thyroid .

audrey64 profile image

Iv lost 16 lb following a two day juice diet, iv tried to lose the weight iv gained and this is the only thing that's worked for me :-)

Lincs_Lass profile image
Lincs_Lass in reply toaudrey64

ohhh where could I find that Audrey? Nothing seems to work for me so anything is worth a try! How many times have you done it to lose that much? Thanks

Hi Marie

I think the book you really need to start with is 'The Primal Blueprint' by Mark Sisson. This explains the science behind this way of life in - mostly - layman's terms and gives you lists of foods you can and can't eat. Once you understand what it's all about, then there are a variety of cookbooks available - I have 'The Primal Blueprint Cookbook' and 'The Paleo Diet Cookbook', which are both pretty American, but to be honest I have found the best recipes through a site called 'Primal Britain', which gives links to other sites for great recipe ideas.

Joyia profile image

Glad you found an answer audrey but for those of us who are/have been insulin resistant or diabetic fruit juice is ill-advised as the sugar content is far too high, in fact it is recommended to minimise fruit consumption to a small amount each day.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply toJoyia

Usually this is a vegetable juice diet.

audrey64 profile image

I bought a masticating juicer after visiting my niece in Canada who has cancer, whilst there I was juicing with an open mind for three weeks and felt totally energised, I came home and ordered one straight away, iv been on it six weeks in total, I feel great,I juice mainly veggies ... Cucumber, kale, beet root, carrots etc and only add a lemon and an apple, my skin in clear, I sleep better , full of energy, and ironically my hair and eyebrows have improved... I'd recommend it to anyone and is also say watch fat, sick and almost dead .. You can find it on you tube... Also read up on masticating juicing mine cost 159 and is buy it all over again if I had to, I'm actually looking forward to summer....oh and no more heartburn... :-)))

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