Asthma connection to hypothyroidism?: I was... - Thyroid UK

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Asthma connection to hypothyroidism?

Zephyrbear profile image
7 Replies

I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis in 2004, in spite of not having any of the antibody tests to my knowledge... my GP merely presumed this diagnosis and I was treated accordingly with replacement Thyroxine (the cheap and cheerful stuff...). I had a cold about a year ago, during which time I lost my voice for nearly 6 weeks and found it very hard to fight it off. I then started becoming very breathless at times and was diagnosed as being asthmatic in June. Although the Salbutamol inhaler works as a brilliant reliever, I found that the Clenyl Modulate steroid inhaler negated the use of the salbutamol completely for the 6 weeks I was taking it. However, I had a reaction to the Clenyl inhaler which meant I was constantly battling a stuffy nose which interfered with my ability to smell, taste and worst of all, sleep. I have now come off the steroid inhaler and am taking Singulair50 instead, but have now once again, caught a cold which after 4 weeks seems to have no intention of clearing up at all... Is there a connection between my hypothyroidism, the asthma and my apparent lack of ability to shake these bugs off? I am currently taking 100mcg of thyroxine, but suspect that this is not having any effect on any of my symptoms, especially my weight, at all. My last bloodtests all came back, surprise, surprise... 'normal'!

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Zephyrbear profile image
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7 Replies
nanniejan profile image

Wish someone would tell me what is normal !! as i never feel it.......

Zephyrbear profile image
Zephyrbear in reply to nanniejan

I know exactly how you feel, and I've felt like this for the last 10 years, although I was only 'diagnosed' with Hashimoto's Thyroiditis in 2004, even though I was NEVER actually tested for that specific condition... There's an awful lot of presumption going on out there and I hope I can persuade my latest GP (I've gone through every one in our local surgery) that I may actually know a little bit more about my condition than she does and get her to co-operate...

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

There most definitely can be a connection between hypothyroidism and asthma. People have posted about being diagnosed with asthma which eventually resolved when their thyroid issues were fully addressed.

Please don't just stop your asthma medications, but you might consider trying some antihistamines - e.g. chlorphenamine. Seems that in some people histamine levels rise as their thyroid hormone levels recover.

And don't accept the word 'normal' - get the numbers. You are entitled to know.

All the best


Zephyrbear profile image
Zephyrbear in reply to helvella

Thanks for that, I was beginning to think I was falling apart. The whole asthma business has been further complicated by the fact that I have also succumbed to a cold that just refuses to go away, indeed, it seems as soon as I start feeling a little better, the damn thing just comes back, so stabilising my asthma treatment is being severely compromised. I have tried taking anti-histamines, but they do not seem to help much...

In addition, would it surprise you to know that all my concerns, especially reactions to my "cheap 'n nasty 45p/ pack" levothyroxine, have been summarily dismissed as ranging from '...that's just a bit of localised eczema, I'll give you a bit of cream for that...' which, of course never worked for the intense itching I feel especially on my lower legs which I've scratched raw, to the worst reply I ever had from any medical 'professional' which was ''ve never been this age before...' when I expressed my worries about my weight still going up and some awful episodes of cramp especially in my ribcage if I found something too funny and laughed too much! I'm now at the stage where I have requested to see one GP only and I'm hoping she'll be a little more reasonable in her dealings with me... I am hoping to persuade her to try me on the T4 + T3 replacement therapy I've been reading about, as I feel that my problems might improve were I to be given that. I'm certain that the only benefit from the levothyroxine I'm being given at the moment only results in 'normal' T4 and TSH readings that saves them looking any further at my treatment. Any additional information I could use to help that persuasion would be gratefully received. I'm due to go and see her on Monday and I'll keep you posted.

Nardinie1984 profile image

I have graves desease which is hyperthyroid but I was diagnose in military with asthma because I was having shortness of breath n passing out but since in had my surgery and remove my glands I havnt passed out since so my question is ? If a doctor no train properly can see symptoms of thyroids as if it was asthma

MikeR profile image

I have Hashimotos. I am currently suffering with asthma and this is a recent phenomenon although it has to be said I suffered with asthma all through my 20s and 30s. Before I became ill I. 2015 I had developed a lower leg eczema. This I believe is due to low vitamin D. I supplement with a strong good quality D3 from solgar. I went on holiday to Cyprus for the first time in 10 years and a week in the sun got rid of the itchy leg which like you I scratched raw. I didn't go via the NHS for my treatment as I'd seen how ineffective Levo is as my mother suffers terribly. I wasn't prepared to suffer and get on my bended knee a beg for help. I concede that perhaps a suppressed TSH might deliver a shorter life I am willing to take that risk at the expense of having a functional life, although I would say not ideal. This disease is difficult and when a cold descends it takes me weeks to recover and in fact sees a return of quite bad Hashi symptoms it's a difficult time.

I recently (May) started taking milk again and whilst it has livened up my diet I am somewhat more sinusy and asthmatic than I was without it in my diet.

I wonder if you have sufficient levels of Vitamin D and ferritin to support adequate uptake of 100 mgs of Levo? Get your vitamin levels tested and if you can get out in the sun. Also perhaps stop excessive dairy when you have a cold. Finally consider an alternative treatment therapy but without good levels of supporting vits you will struggle.

Zephyrbear profile image
Zephyrbear in reply to MikeR

My original post was from 7 years ago! Since then I was referred back to my, sadly now retired, endo who put me on a T4/T3 combination in 2011 and I have not looked back since! I still have the asthma and weight problem, but the debilitating brain fog went and I completed a BA(Hons) degree in History & Creative Writing graduating with a 2:1 in 2014! He always allowed me the freedom to adjust my own dosages according to how I felt and never once lectured me on the 'perils of suppressed TSH'. My susceptibility to catching colds has been reduced drastically (I think I've only had 2 this year) and recovery has been within the normal 3 week period. The stuffed up nose turned out to be nasal polyps which have also been treated. I have not, in all that time, felt any need to adjust my diet whic, I believe is a healthy one anyway with plenty of fresh meat, fruit and vegetables. I stay away from processed food and alcohol like the plague and even make my own bread! I take Vits C and D and K2-Mk7 as well as a good B complex and B12. Other than that, plenty of coffee and a good walk daily... Today, 7 years on from that original post, I determined to educate myself (through his site and the ThyroidUK site) and have largely taken responsibility for my own care, using the annual endo appointment with my old endo's useless replacement merely to rubber stamp my continued access to T3 on the NHS.

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