Hi everyone 👋 I'm really needing advice before we go on a big family holiday at Easter. This is a long one.... please bear with me 🫶🏻
I've had hyperthyroidism ever since I had my second son 11 years ago, I had a lot of symptoms, but only got diagnosed when my tsh went down to 0, 3 years ago, as the nhs only rely on tests, and not symptoms.
When I started carbrimazole at 25mg, I believe, the main symptom that stopped was the night sweats, which I'd had for 8 years! When my tsh stabilised, they kept trying to take me off my meds, and I'd crash badly, even my tsh going down to 0.7, I'd be more unwell then when it was first 0, no strength in my muscles at all, but the Dr's didn't care, as it wasn't below the danger zone of below 0.27, and t3 and t4 weren't dangerous either.
I managed to get back on the meds, but sought help elsewhere, as my specialist wasnt understanding that what was normal for others, wasn't normal, or ok for me.
A natural practitioner told me I needed iodine for my thyroid health, which I took for a year, I went from 8 stone 4, my normal weight, to 9 stone 6 - I have never lost weight with my hyperthyroidism, this weight gain was weird. I thought the natural practitioner was resolving my hyperthyroidism naturally, also with diet and detox, so I agreed with my endocrinologist to come off my carbrimazole. This was last October when I got so sick, I'd had low cortisol as well, and I had every single terrible symptom of Addisons disease. I got so unwell, and very scared, I went to hospital. My cortisol had raised though, so I didn't have addisons, and they did the SST test too, that's when I realised it was my hyperthyroidism again!! As soon as I went back onto my carbrimazole, I started functioning again. I also stopped the iodine straight away, when I read that was the worst thing for hyperthyroidism, and I lost the weight I'd gained, on the iodine, straight away!
My worst symptom with hyperthyroidism has always been muscle weakness, especially in my legs, and leg pain. So now I'm on 15mg of carbrimazole. However, In Feb my tsh was 0.8, which means that as the tests are through my GP, the lab will not bother testing t3 or t4, as it's not below 0.27!
Now, the muscle weakness is back badly, and i know this feeling so well, even though I'm on 15mg carbrimazole. My GP isn't listening, and I called the hospital, and they said there's no way it's down to hyperthyroidism, my tsh was 0.8 in Feb, and my symptoms of muscle weakness are not to do with hyperthyroidism! When I'm on the meds, and its more under control, my tsh is late 1s and early 2s, when it goes below 1, I get really unwell. I don't have data on my t3 or t4, as only the hospital has this information, not my GP.
In desperation, as we go away on a big holiday in 2 weeks, I've ordered a private thyroid test with antibodies, including the Trab, looking for graves disease too. Also, I've upped the protein in my diet, as I had so little, and didn't realise how important protein is for the thyroid.
I'm desperate to improve my health before my holiday. Any advice of how I can do that would be massively appreciated, any advice on what's going on with me too, what I can do, anything at all, would mean the world right now, maybe dosage advice too 🙏
Thank you in advance.
Rachel x