evening - total thyroidectomy for suspected cancer (no cancer evident) and 3.5 years of swinging between hyper and hypo with varying levels of meds. I was told by all endos and GPs they would never test for or prescribe T3. But seeing on here some people are getting this - is it post code related or are people seeing a private dr? Many thanks
is T3 postcode related? : evening - total... - Thyroid UK
is T3 postcode related?

I got rejected by the nhs three times by their endo. Have paid privately and granted a prescription.

Welcome to the forum Alikins1981
So we can offer better advice on whether combination treatment may be a good option for you to pursue, can tell us more about ongoing symptoms, current medication & dosage, plus blood test results (with ranges in brackets) for:
Plus any antibody and key vitamin tests (ferritin, folate, vitamins D and B12)
In the first instance, do ask your GP for the above tests. We don’t recommend supplementing key vitamins without testing first (and sharing results with us).
If your GP is unable to complete all the above (eg if TSH is within range, some surgeries may not be able to access FT4 and FT3 tests), you could look to do this privately, as many forum members do, for a better picture of your thyroid health:
For the vast majority of people with hypothyroidism, Levothyroxine (at an optimal dose) alleviates adverse symptoms. Also key, is having thyroid vitamins at an optimal level. That’s why testing is so important. If conversion is still poor after optimal Levo/ key vitamins achieved, then combination treatment may be considered.

over 67,500 prescriptions for T3 in England on NHS in last year
Searchable by ICB area or by GP practice
Here’s link for how to request Thyroid U.K.list of private Doctors emailed to you, but within the email a link to download list of recommended thyroid specialist endocrinologists who may prescribe T3
Ideally choose an endocrinologist to see privately initially and who also does NHS consultations so that might eventually transfer to getting T3 on NHS
likely many more private prescriptions than NHS
I was prescribed Armour Thyroid by my GP in Gloucestershire for 18 years but when we moved to the Midlands they wouldn’t even discuss it. I eventually saw an Endo and he said the guidelines were not to prescribe T3 to anyone “new” as in hadn’t been taking it previously but because I’d been taking AT which is a combo he would prescribe it for me on the NHS.
Hi I get T3 from NHS.
Strictly speaking it’s not a ‘post code lottery’ but I understand your observation. It’s more down to the policies of whichever ignorant endocrinologists are in ‘power’ in the area you live. The more ignorant they are, the more stubborn they are.
I get t3 t4 combination in Shropshire. This is due to adverse reactions to Levothyroxine in a big enough dose
I wonder how many people have a reaction but it’s not recorded as such. Hope you feel something positive off the combination