Hi all! My bloods have altered a lot recently due to me working on vitamins and improving physically after being very poorly. Physically I am much improved - my periods have come back after 2 years! - and now it seems that I have too much t3 and too little t4. From trial and error over the last year it appears I need a ft4 around mid/just above mid range and an ft3 between mid and 3/4 range. If either is too high/low I feel bad. currently my ft3 is 70% and my ft4 is 35% through range and I feel awful with a mix of overmed and hypo symptoms. I had a similar thing happen when my ft4 was too high and ft3 too low earlier this year.
My endo has advised me to increase my t4 by 12.5mcg but I also need to reduce my t3 a bit. The amount of t3 I make from t4 has improved recently so if I up t4 without reducing my t3 will likely go too high for me. At the time of the blood test I had only been on 6.5mcg t3 and so even a 2.5mcg decrease would be quite a bit of my dose! Would a 1mcg decrease be enough to replace with 12.5mcg t4? It seems like a very small amount but I’m aware it’s more powerful than Levo and that in ratio to my current dose it’s more than if someone were on say 10mcg t3. Currently I’ve been on 5.5mcg for the last couple of days with my increased Levo and I want to choose a dose to stick to so I can get accurate bloods in 6 weeks but I’m also nervous of not reducing enough as my overmed symptoms are very unpleasant!
Does anyone have any advice/experience? Thanks!