Since my wife's last private blood test, TSH 4.24, T4 Total 74.3, Free T4 11.87, Free T3 2.91, copied to Endo, he advised upping Levo from 50mcg to 75mcg for 4 weeks then 100mcg daily, with no recommended increase of prescribed T3 from the current 10mcg per day. Some improvement in general on 75 Levo but still often very shaky and depressed AM, and no significant change for the better on 100mcg, despite my having the type of Levo changed due poor results. Still days of feeling miserable, sometimes all day, together with unsettled gastric system, and often constipation. In desperation I stopped Levo altogether and put my wife on 20mcg T3 in split doses of 10 each per day. This regime only started 5 days ago, but there has been a clear improvement in her wellbeing overall, together with improved gastric symptoms.
Any comments on this, and on the likelihood of the improvement continuing, will be welcome.