I’m hoping some of you kind and knowledgeable people here can shed some light on how thyroid hormones can affect tinnitus – and GORD – before my endo appointment later this week.
I now have a helpful Endo who has been gradually adjusting my dosage over the past couple of years. I still have some symptoms but am a great deal better than I was. The addition of Levothyroxine, a year ago, has made a huge difference in ways I simply hadn’t expected. For several years prior I had been falling over, for no apparent reason, I’m so lucky I didn’t break any bones. That has stopped and I no longer feen vulnerable to falls. Also, my sensitive bladder was a real nuisance combined with numerous UTI’s. Having only previously suffered one UTI, in my early 20’s, I couldn’t understand why I was then getting them regularly, at various levels of severity, from my 60’s on. This too has virtually resolved (coincidentally?) after starting on Levo.
There are two things now that are really getting me down. I know they are both thyroid symptoms but I am wondering whether either of them are responding to me, perhaps, being slightly undermedicated? My tinnitus began circa 25 years ago before I’d even heard of thyroid. Initially I though it was a light bulb singing prior to it blowing. It wasn’t but the sound has remained ever since, I’ve managed, for the most part, to ignore it. Recently though it has become louder and is sometimes joined by a second slightly lower tone. It’s driving me insane, especially at night when it’s quiet. The other thing is GORD, I know I have a hiatus hernia, it’s probably been around for most of my life but is giving me a lot of grief now. I’m still taking one omeprazole a day, I wish I could stop that but it just isn’t possible. I also know that a higher dose makes matters a whole lot worse. I wish I could identify anything that might be bringing on an attack, but have failed. I can eat exactly the same thing for days with no problems then suddenly, with no obvious reflux, I have raging heartburn, sore throat and cough, cough, cough.
So my question is, could it be possible that any of this could be improved by increasing/decreasing meds or supplements. Here are my last two blood results:-
Aug 24 .01 (.27 -4.20) 4.8 (3.1 – 6.8) 14.1 (12 – 22)
Feb 25 .011 (.27 – 4.2) 5.3 (3.1 – 6.8) 14.2 (12 – 22)
I currently take Erfa 30mg, Levothyroxine 50mcg and 12.5mcg T3
I also supplement with Vit C, Super B complex, Folate, Selenium, Zinc, Flax oil, Vit B + K2 spray, Ubiquinol 100.