Hi all, recently joined the group and this is my first post.
I’ve read a few bio’s and posts and can see there are some super knowledgeable and very helpful people on this forum. Perhaps there is someone out there who can add another piece to my puzzle. 🙏
Brief History:
diagnosed Hypo in 2015. Had all usual symptoms, weight gain, cold, poor skin etc… TSH >100
Treated by Gp with 125 mcg T4 - felt decent for five years
2020 - long Covid and bad viral infection resulted in some mild CFS and physical body breakdown. After several years of gradually repairing my body, was left with three/four symptoms. Burning cold, bit of angina, very poor hand skin , lactic acid in legs and fatigue.
Started running full thyroid panels privately with Genova and working with an expert/author in Thyroid dysfunction and treatment.
Labs showed poor conversion t4-t3. High FT4, low FT3 and RT3 to the upper part of range.
Reduced T4 to 50 mcg and started titrating t3. Until recently, was steady on 60 mcg t3 per day split into three equal doses of 20 mcg.
Recall feeling quite well during the middle of the year on this dosage (apart from daily headaches) with both signs and symptoms steady.
I started feeling off again a few of months back. Bouts of body fatigue, low mood and general feeling of malaise and unwell.
Did MRI in October because of headaches and found an empty sella. I therefore did some further pituitary testing to ensure the gland was still working well. The majority of the hormones I tested were either slightly above or within range, so the gland is still working fine, but my serum cortisol was very low. Not Addisons low, but in the low part of the range. I therefore rechecked my saliva/free cortisol and it was way above the range first thing in the morning.
The thinking now with high free cortisol and low serum cortisol is that I may still be hypothyroid, as the sluggish liver is not metabolising properly. I’m no expert but I’m aware that the link between adrenals and thyroid is complicated and very important that cortisol nuclei levels are high enough to support cellular t3.
The suggestion is that I start titrating up the T3 from current dose of 60 mcg because I may very well be still hypothyroid. But like all these things, it’s a leap in the dark.
There is more to the story and I’m seeing an endo chap now who has just run a few more tests/hormones (awaiting results) but I would be very interested to hear from anyone, especially with adrenal knowledge and t3 use.
The Endo is re-running morning serum Cortisol, D3, Ferritin, b12 and Folate, Iron, urea and electrolytes.
Sorry if the detail is a bit sparse, but didn’t want to write an essay and anyone who does take the time to read this, Thankyou very much.