Hi all
My previous post is here.
My GP has ordered these bloods (ignore that they say postponed this seems to be that she likes to do the forms herself).
I'm feeling increasingly fatigued and my elevated heartrate seems to be remaining elevated rather than going up and down in line with my menstrual cycle which I think is driving why I feel so awful.
My plan was that we are doing NHS bloods at the end of the month and then I was going to do the private ones to mop up what doesn't get picked up by the more limited NHS bloods.
But I think I need to get on and do the private ones now as I'm just wasting more time and Christmas will be on us soon with the shutdowns that brings.
So question - what are these NHS tests not going to pick up so I can make sure I test them?
Definitely T3. Is reverse T3 sensible to do?
Antibodies, whilst the NHS test says Antibodies it seems this doesn't necessarily do everything?
What about iron? Is there a wider panel that I ought to be looking at? I don't know what the NHS panel tests?
B12 - need to pick up Active B12?
My adjusted calcium is low on current tests so D is important - is there anything alongside that?
What about folate?
Anything else you'd think sensible (my FBC's and other results are on the other post)
I'm toying with the Blue Horizon comprehensive gold, well woman which is expensive but seems to pick up absolutely everything including cortisol and the meno bloods that I need to do private soon anyway EXCEPT that I need to get testosterone tested which isn't included. What is the view on this this package and does anyone know if it's possible to add an additional component (testosterone) rather than having to add another test type which just seems to duplicate the meno hormones?
I'm less concerned about the cost and more concerned to make sure I get a good range of tests. The GP has done an NHS endo referral but we both think they might reject it currently as labs are currently OK. If I've got an issue I need bloods that show it to justify the referral at least for the future even if I choose to book a private endo in the short-term.
Sorry this is long, thanks for any input.