It's me, looking for input ... I supplement with progesterone cream, I started this 6 months ago, I take my levothyroxine at 6am 150mg prior to starting progesterone my levels were optimal both T4 and T3 ... now they keep dropping since then, can continuously supplementing progesterone cause absorbtion issues???
Progesterone v thyroid medication : It's me... - Thyroid UK
Progesterone v thyroid medication

The only clinical reporting I found just now discusses the effects of progesterone on thyroid hormone availability and it suggests the opposite of what you've noticed.. We on this discussion board are definitely in unexplored territory. There's very little medical curiosity about thyroid -- hence the tendency of doctors to jump to conclusions based on the single metric of TSH.
This article suggests the opposite. Oral progesterone increased serum thyroid hormone
The other one acknowledges that thyroid dysfunction is more prevalent in women than men and they've drawn a link between progesterone and follicular gene expression in the thyroid gland (where the hormone is produced)
This entrepreneurial website suggests a direct link between low sex hormones and hypothyroidism:
Sometimes we can't go by things that are measured in blood samples. The blood is only the transporter of the free hormone. It has to reach the cells before it goes to work. I guess the appropriate question is, irrespective of lab measurements, how do you feel since starting the progesterone treatment?
That's really interesting reading about progesterone and thyroid hormone levels.
I'm currently on a three month trial of HRT (100mg Utrogestan and estradiol transdermal spray) and I take 75mcg Levothyroxine.
I'm curious to see if the micronized progesterone in my capsules has any affect on my thyroid hormones so hopefully I can get these levels tested again towards the end of the three months.
Since starting the HRT (it's only been about 3 weeks) I'm tentatively observing my symptoms and for any side effects. Dare I say it, but there may be a slight improvement in my cognitive function. It's only a very slight change but I'm feeling a little more hopeful now. It may only be temporary but I'll have to wait and see.
If I can tolerate the HRT my dose may need changing and these next few months of experimenting will hopefully provide considerably more improvements for me.
Thank you for sharing this information Rockypath, xxx
When I began HRT, the pharmacist advised that the estradiol “sucks up thyroid hormone” and suggested I might need to increase the dose.
You’re describing this effect.
The estradiol is loved by the brain and it feeds construction of new muscle fibers.
But you need more thyroid hormone now.
I was taking 1 grain (60 mg NDT), but with HRT I’m buzzing along on 2-1/2 grains, in university full time and my brain is clicking better than it has since menopause and the traumatic brain injury,
I don't take estrogen tho, just bioidentical progesterone cream 800mg per day, but I'm wondering if it's having the same effect it's just weird how my thyroid medication was making my levels optimal at first and now are so low
I had heard that transdermal estrogen has less/no effect on thyroid levels but that was only what my endo told me! I think oral estrogens can have a bigger effect on thyroid binding proteins and thyroid function in general. 🤷♀️
I wouldn't take estrogen, high estrogen causes endometrial thickening, I have extremely heavy periods is why I'm taking progesterone to try balancing my hormone levels out
Ah ok. Just to say that heavy periods can also be a symptom of hypothyroidism too.
Yeah it was after I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism I started bleeding heavier, my gynae wanted me to have the mirena coil or mini pill, but they are both progestins and not bioidentical progesterone...
They refused to give me bioidentical progesterone, so bought it myself
If I were you’d I’d probably pause progesterone and try and get thyroid optimal first and see it that helps resolve your other hormone issues.
If not you could always tell a ‘small white lie’ to your Dr that you suffer with bad PMS, they should then be able to prescribe 200mg Utrogestan (micronised progesterone) to take cyclically.
Just a thought, hope you can work it all out and feel better soon!
My plan was to stop when my next period is due, because I'm only just by with my period and if I pause just now, I will start bleeding in a couple of days, at least then it will be my regular time... Aye if I see a change to my thyroid levels after stopping, I will change what days I'm taking it, cause right now I'm taking it everyday, whereas I can change to days 14-28 ... Aw yeah I could try that but my doctors would probably hit me with something else because I asked for utrogestan at my gynae clinic 🙄
Sounds like a good plan! It’s annoying how all this hormone stuff is very much ‘wait and see’ isn’t it!?
You can also buy utrogestan without a prescription from abroad. I bought some from Spain recently to trial it. It’s not ideal and NHS should really be paying for it but it’s an option if you’re feeling stuck!
It might be a silly question, do you take the progesterone cream shortly after taking the levothyroxine? Even though transdermal application bypasses the liver and enters the bloodstream directly, if you have taken levothyroxine as well shortly before, this may interfere with the hormones in the bloodstream and could impact how much levo you can use. Perhaps try to apply the progesterone cream at least 4 or more hours away from the levo or take it at night before going to bed instead?
A drop in your T4 and T3 levels could also mean that your levothyroxine requirements have increased and that you may need more hormones. Although normal replacement doses of levothyroxine are 1.6-1.8 mcg per kg of body weight, some people might need more. Or you may have developed absorption issues with levothyroxine, so you would need more levothyroxine to get to your usual levels. If you need increasing doses to get to your levels where you feel well, you could perhaps try liquid levothyroxine, which has a much better absorption profile?
Hi Jojomcc - further to RockyPath's journal paper that suggests that progesterone increase serum thyroxine, I have the following (excellent IMHO) paper that agrees with the finding that thyroxine is increased... BUT goes on to say that they found progesterone also elevates the T4:T3 ratio due to a down-regulation of the deiodinases (DIO1, DIO2) - so they show that progesterone reduces the conversion of T4 to T3!
While your transdermal application of progesterone cream is unlikely to affect the absorption or metabolism of your levothyroxine... it may well affect your conversion of the levothyroxine to T3, which could, maybe, lead to a change in your symptoms.
NOTE: the paper comes from the perspective of female reproductive fertility, which is how they frame many of their comments, but the general concept of cross-talk with thyroid hormones is fascinating and you can jump directly to the progesterone section, which is section 2.2 😊
Ahhh so it's not actually the absorbtion of the T4, it's the conversion of T4 to T3 within the body? But surely that would still keep T4 higher .. but reduce T3 low
In theory - that's what they find, specifically for progesterone. There could be other hormonal/vitamin/mineral aspects at play too, though. I came across the paper as I was looking for links between prolactin (I have hyperprolactinemia) and thyroid hormones.
Maybe you have other, as yet undiscovered, factors feeding in to the changes you've observed?
I'm trying my best to get to the bottom of it all, my gynae just wants to give me idu or mini pill, I will not take any of them, that's odd because I also think I'm high prolactin too, I read about the link between estrogen dominance and high prolactin and low thyroid 🙄 but I need my gynae to work with me to navigate all these things lol I really don't see that happening.
Uugghh... best of luck! I feel for you - the whole endocrinological maze is an absolute nightmare.
I'm lucky enough to have an excellent Clinical Pharmacist at my GP practice who has been very helpful with HRT - and it was through her that my Hashimoto's was also found. It really is a matter of lucky as to whether or not you can find someone (not necessarily the person, on paper, you'd expect) to help with everything. That being said, I'm still not right - so the search goes on.
I have just been reading a Dr. Mercola article on the progesterone-thyroid connection. Here's the link but I'm not sure these days if it will work or whether you have to sign up to his website (it's free)
began the combipatch and also testosterone injections. Didn’t feel any better, gained weight, didn’t really increase energy and had constipation, scalp acne everywhere and felt like hair was falling out. Went off all and feel less bloated, resumed regularity. Dr recommended stop the combipatch and try testosterone propinate rather than testosterone cypoinate. I plan to get blood tests to see where thyroid is. Been looking into the 100 blood test program that are being promoted online and start from there. Various sites recommend that vitamin deficiencies, adrenal, liver detox, gluten free, dairy free, and checking cortisol may be beneficial. Had tried HRT after cleaning up thyroid levels, to see if it would help with feeling more energy. Thinking maybe focus is really on my bloods and tweaking there rather than adding more (for me). I understand everyone is different. Anyone have success with HRT and thyroid medications at same time? (In mid 50’s)
a body only has so many hormone receptors, it’s possible that you’re taking them too close together. Try more hours apart and see if that helps
If your metabolism has improved which is one of the aims of high progesterone therapy, you might need more fuel which is both thyroid hormones and supporting with the sufficient carbs, proteins and fats in your diet. When people increase their thyroid meds, sometimes they can lower progesterone dosing. Another related issue is cortisol levels and also oestrogen clearence.
I think I've found the reason, I started with a PT trainer who has me on a high protein low calorie diet, and I've read that a lower calories can cause conversion issues,