Hi it's been a while since I posted on here. I previously posted I have high tpo antibody's. My tsh levels etc previously been a bit up and down. From July this year
Tsh 2.6 mu/l. ( 0.55-4.78)
Free T4 16.5 pmol/l. ( 11.5 - 22.7)
Free T3 5.1. pmol/L ( 3.5 - 6.5)
September this year
Tsh 2.72 pmol/L ( 0.55-4.78)
T4. 15.3 pmol/L. (11.5 - 22.7)
Free T3 5.1 pmol/L. ( 3.5-6.5)
I've been trying to get my GP to raise my meds for a while now the last few times I've had bloods done and advised on here to have an increase. Gp now agreed and said to raise the dose from 75 to 100 micrograms. I've been taking the 100 mg for around 3 days but yesterday feeling very tired and not able to function properly to go about my day. I can't remember if this is normal to feel like this with an increase ? Just worried I've increased to much too soon if I should do it more gradual ?