Asked Gp for all my sons paperwork.
Going through, I see that he has had a low Neutrophil count for the last 3 years at:
1.5 Range 2.00 - 7.00x 10*9/L
Low Basophil 0 Range 0.00 - 0.2010*9/L “
High Serum Albumin 52 Range 38.00 - 51.00g/L
Low Tissue transglutaminase LgA level
0.4 Range 0.00 - 10.90U/mL
The doctor hasn’t said a word.
I’m now very worried he may be fighting something sinister. Maybe thyroid related? Maybe autoimmune. I pray to god it’s not a blood disorder. Maybe Gluten intolerance?
Can anyone help please 🙏