I’m on T3 only and have been very successful with it for quite a few years. A couple of years back owing to becoming a laydee of a certain age, I was prescribed desogestrel (a progesterone only pill) to keep my hormones levels stable. I had found they were dipping regularly and my dose hadn’t changed.
Over the last month or so, as well as a few other symptoms that I know are hormonal, I’m feeling very hypo - no energy, no motivation, tinnitus, muscle weakness, dizziness, etc etc etc. I did bloods a few weeks back and things were a wee bitty high so I reduced a little. I feel worse so figure that’s not it.
I’m almost 100% that I need an increase in progesterone, but the GP is reluctant saying it’s part of an HRT regime and can’t be given alone. I worry as I’ve suffered in the past with higher oestrogen that if I do that, the same will happen and cancel out any benefit if the progesterone.
So I just wonder if anyone else has tried progesterone/hrt replacement and how did you get on? I guess I’m interested particularly in anyone on T3 only as this is so much more reactive to supplementation with anything, but I’d be interested in hearing how anyone has got on balancing levels throughout peri and menopause.