I am currently using NDT, and I have been taking Thyroid S for several years with varying batch success. I have just started a new batch 23T01008. I have also been trialling Roseway Labs Compounded NDT on and off due to the fewer ingredients to see if it suited me better as I have not been feeling optimum on Thyroid S lately, but I don't feel any different on it. My latest issue whilst on either NDT, is that I am experiencing awful bloating and painful gas, plus a burning sensation in my throat. My stomach is distended making me feel very uncomfortable. My gastrics are certainly playing up which I never used to get, so I don't know what's changed. I have been gluten free for years and I have had dairy intolerance tests which showed I am not intolerant. Nothing has really changed in my diet. I was prescribed Omeprazole by my GP, but it hasn't helped at all and have since read it can interact with thyroid meds, so I came off it after 2 days. I have also tried Lactoferrin and ACV gummies for the gastric issues but that hasn't helped either. I am baffled as to what is causing this. I am getting concerned due to the weight (gas, water retention) gain, general uncomfortable feelings, and because I cannot tolerate the vitamins I am supposed to take for menopausal induced osteoporosis. I am reluctantly eating due to the discomfort and feeling generally hypo and down because of this. I don't know whether it's the NDT or not, it's all come out if the blue for a while. Can the body start rejecting NDT after a while? I am clutching at straws for an answer to my current issues. I didn't fair well on Levothyroxine monotherapy and T3 monotherapy years ago, so I am hoping it's not the NDT, but I can't think of any other cause. Any thoughts would be gratefully received, thanks!
Increased bloating, gas and burning sensation i... - Thyroid UK
Increased bloating, gas and burning sensation in throat (?heartburn). On NDT
Sounds like you have low stomach acid, in which case PPI's would make it worse, rather than better. Nothing to do with the NDT - except that perhaps you're not taking enough of it.
Thank you greygoose. Sorry to sound ignorant but what are PPI's? I wondered whether it was a stomach ulcer after using Thyroid S for years with all it's nasty binders and fillers. In regards to increasing the NDT, I can't seem to as it gives me an intense headache and a driving but with fatigue feeling within my system. That is with both the Thyroid S and the Compounded NDT.

PPI = Proton Pump Inhibitor. Reduces production of stomach acid. The Omeprazole the doctor gave you is a PPI. Doctors don't believe it's possible to have low stomach acid and always attribute stomach problems to high stomach acid and give you PPI's. The symptoms are the same, but having low T3 levels also reduces production of stomach acid, so hypos usually have low acid levels.
Using Thyroid S is unlikely to give you a stomach ulcer, they are caused by a virus, but you are more likely to get an ulcer if your stomach acid level is low, because the acid kills the virus,
Have you had your basic nutrients tested: vit D, vit B12, folate, ferritin? With low stomach acid levels of nutrients are bound to be low, and that will affect your ability to increase your NDT.
Thanks this is helpful. I have a telephone appointment next Monday to discuss a thyroid blood test and I'm going ask for the vitamin D, B12, folate and Ferritin blood test as well. I'm crossing my fingers on him agreeing to that. Need to play my face a bit as my practice doesn't see any connections with anything with thyroid disease. Levo cures all according to them 🙄.
Greygoose, I had never heard about interactions between PPIs and thyroid medication before. I have an upcoming appointment with a new gastroenterologist next month, and I know he'll try to put me on PPIs, which I'm not comfortable with. Now, I have more information about why I shouldn't go on them. Have started reading some of the research articles to be ready. Thank you, much appreciated!!
Hi, see your GP to rule out anything significant- any changes in bowel motions etc too.
As Grey Goose said, the omeprazole - proton pump inhibitor - will likely have made it worse. Drs throw them out like smarties.
When did you last do intolerance testing? I would leave off the dairy for a while and see if it helps. Also, use digestive bitters. For ease, Viridian do a Digestive Aid which might be useful to you. I would look at potential leaky gut and using slippery elm and marshmallow root powders, between meals.
Thanks! I am only intolerant to gluten and I avoid soya. I actually find skimmed milk soothing to my gullet. I also use dairy to help with my calcuim and vit D levels due to having osteoporosis. Taking lots of vitamins and supplements seems to irritate my gastrics. I thought it may be the cellulose in everything including the Thyroid S, so I trialled using compounded ndt by taking. It out of the capsule onto a spoon, mix it with water and take it that way to avoid the cellulose capsule, but that doesn't make any difference. On looking into low stomach acid symptoms it may well be that. I have read that Betaine HCL is a treatment for low stomach acid. I didn't realise it can cause vit deficiencies and hair thinning as well. This is a learning curve for me, I just think everything is related to my thyroid meds 😄

Tbh, skimmed milk is only fit for the bin! I think you’re working on the old paradigm of low fat is important. Good fats like butter, lard, goose fat, ghee and olive oil are needed by the body.
I still suggest you move to good quality non dairy milk for the time being. I use Oatly organic oat milk and goat butter.
MindfulMomentsA few seconds ago
Thanks but whole fat and semi skim milks are too thick for me, and I dislike it. Organic skimmed milk suits me well. I cannot eat oats, I don't eat soya, and other milk alternatives I find pretty revolting to be honest. All this gastric problem is a very recent thing. I have drunk organic skimmed milk for years without any issue. I don't avoid healthy fats, I just can't eat too much of it. I use EV olive oil in cooking that sort of thing. Whatever I am eating at the moment doesn't help and I don't get the symptoms after eating it's constant. I do have a pregnancy induced hernia about 2" above my belly button due to having twins 15 years ago, but it has never been an issue since then. I do feel it now when I'm really bloated. Perhaps a reluctant trip to the GP is in order. They told me before it's just age related IBS, which is BS alright, any symptoms when your 50 and over are all just age and menopausal related to hear the NHS talk.
Have you been diagnosed with IBS? Sounds like you need some investigations for reflux and SIBO/IMO, which are common conditions when you have thyroid disease. If you have bacterial or methanogen overgrowth, they can cause similar systemic symptoms to hypothyroidism.
Thanks! Who would investigate the SIBO/IMO? Is that done through a specialist and how is it treated?
A gastroenterology department, or a naturopath, or you can buy a breath test privately, eg Genova Diagnostics.
I am going through exactly the same thing. It started off with feeling a dull pain in my lower abdomen. I have been on omeprozole, referred for CT scan, endoscopy, vaginal scan yet nothing has been found. I have started having acupuncture and take a probiotic and slippery elm I have lost 15kg so far and have been bed bound as the pain is 24hrs. I hope you feel better soon. I have seen a naturopath, it was a waste of money as he prescribed alkaline drops that made me worse. I am currently having acupuncture mine was triggered by a levo dose reduction in January.
I am so sorry to hear you're feeling unwell too. It's very frustrating for sure when medics can't find the route cause for our discomforts. Hopefully, if you can get the right dose, things will rectify itself. This disease is very complex and often hard to manage. No wonder medics try to avoid it like the plague. Doesn't help us when we're in the thick of it though. I have read that Betaine HCL can help with low acid issues if that could be the issue you are having. Might be worth googling low acid symptoms to see if they're similiar to yours. It could well be mine, apart from I'm not loosing weight, but putting it on, well gas or water retention weight anyway. My throat was so hot and burning yesterday, I thought I was turning into a dragon and could well blow out fire 🔥 😄. I also felt as bloated as when I was pregnant with my twins. Very depressing and uncomfortable. Today, hasn't been quite so painful thankfully. I may look at buying some Betaine HCL and give it a go. Yet another expense (I self medicate), in the hope for thyroid wellness. I hope you can get your issues sorted too. Wishing you all the best! 🤞😊

Thank you so much. Mine started in the throat however, now it is the tummy too. I am loosing weight as I am not eating. Anything I eat, makes me feel worse. It is very depressing and, doctors are quick to prescribe anti depressants
That sounds awful. It's cop out for medics to think that everything can be solved through popping pills, psychological drugs or otherwise. No wonder you feel down with the pain you're going through. Anti depressants won't solve the issue or cure the symptoms. May be worth trying something like Betaine HCL. I've come to conclusion it's worth trying anything in the hope to getting well (well maybe not everything 😄)

I will order some. Removing my thyroid was the worst decision of my life
You seem very ‘mindful’ about your state. I get this combination of symptoms still, from time to time. Have you changed your diet in any way especially in a way that you think is ‘helpful’. It’s a blooming nuisance that thyroid issues can be further irritated by ‘good works’.
If/when I get this, I find that plain boiled water (cool enough to drink but still hot) and fasting for maybe up to a day helps. Sometimes my whole body just ‘fights back’ saying enough is enough. “Give me a blooming rest”.
One has to be very 'mindful' about thyroid issues, they're so flippin complex and darn frustrating 😄. Funnily enough, the only relief I get from the intense gas pain that runs from my neck right down to my abdomen is just off boiling water too, and a hot water bottle helps as well, they both help to push things through. Folk can't believe I can drink nearly boiling water, but it's the only thing that helps. I am not sure how safe this is to the oesophagus, but needs must. I have tried Omeprazole and Rennies Deflatin, but both give no relief and are really not to be used if you're on thyroid medication anyway. I didn't realise that conventional medics don't recognise low stomach acid, another ignorant topic to add to the list. One GP in my surgery (refuse to see her ever again), asked if I was on one of those dodgy thyroid forums, and then when on to tell me that I am dealing with danger as everyone on those are the 'worried well' (thyroid sufferers), and should just stick to the Levothyroxine instead of meddling with witch doctor ( NDT & T3) style treatments . She even told me that as I was using NDT, I was abusing my body and the NHS have to pick up the pieces of people thinking they know better than them. I could well have shot her down ( not literally), but I couldn't be bothered dealing with this utter ignoramus. Anyway, I divert, too much 'mindfulness' spinning around my head 🤣. All in all, it's pretty much trial and error with my thyroid journey, a massive learning curve and as I'm also in the menopause which can have similiar symptoms, I am clutching at tiny straws quite often. I am booked for a blood test in the next two wks and I'm hoping they will agree to vitamin tests too, hopefully, the results may be show something to give me an idea of this possible system meltdown. Ever hopeful for a light at the end of the tunnel ✨️ 😄. Thank you for thoughts, it's helpful to know we're not alone in all this. All the best on your journey!!
I have been on plain water sometimes for up to 3 days due to the pain.
I think I probably have too! But mostly one day will deal with it and then I am much more careful again for a while. No antics thinking I will make this better by ….. After lots of pressure from my cardiologist to take statins (she just won’t have it that I can’t take them) I thought I’d give plant sterols a go - allegedly they work on cholesterol levels. It’s a long time since my gastro-intestinal tract was quite that bad! So no sterols now either. Another waste of money. Another load of pain and disappointment.
It is very hard. My diet is just porridge and soup. All started when my dose was reduced from 125mg levo and 15mg t3 daily to 100mg 5 times weekly with additional 10mg t3. I am seeing the endo on Monday and irrespective of what he says, I increase the dose
Oops forgot about the HWB. So really we are using a pretty much identical method!!!
Honestly I have asked myself if the throat symptoms really are actually caused by reflux. Having observed it over many an incident I think it’s ‘inflammation’ perse. The stomach and bowels are suffering but the throat stuff is a response to wide range inflammation. I have been know to resort to Gaviscon but if one pill does not do it, I don’t repeat because I am aware it lowers my stomach acid further - not good.
I don’t know how this is going to work out for me but I have just had a consultation the other day with a complete gentleman endocrinologist. I am still reeling from the shock.
If things go well ……
It is a no win. Lemon water helps and slippery elm . I have bern having Probiotics. It is too expensive to keep up. I ordered ensure drinks today as the rate at which I am loosing weight is alarming plus fatigue
You made me laugh. That is the true definition of the doctors at my GP surgery. I have to tell them what is wrong and when they do a blood test, the never follow up with the results