Hi again, and further to my last post could someone please advise me on recent blood tests.
After appointment with Roseway labs Pharmacist on 23rd April I increased T3 to 10ug daily . Since my previous bloods showed T4 at the top of the range I reduced that from 100ug daily to 100ug 5 days per week and 75ug 2 days per week.
Since I felt no benefit whatsoever from the t3 I increased to 15ug daily from 16th May .
Bloods taken on 16th May (all protocols followed and supplementing with appropriate vitamins ) are as follows:
TSH 0.17 (range 0.27-4.20)
T4 17.7 (range 12-22)
T3 4.6 (range 3.1-6.8)
Previous bloods 15/04/24
TSH 0.39
T4 21.9
T3 4.4
My mood /anxiety is awful, stamina poor as well, still feeling very hypothyroid overall…
When would it be appropriate to increase T3 again?
Should I increase T4? My T3 level has hardly budged since the last bloods???
I will be speaking to my very supportive GP on Friday. I was thinking of asking for a mild anti depressant in the short term.
Any thoughts/opinions would be gratefully appreciated as always.
Many thanks in advance,..