Hello again!
I thought I would post an update to share my experience so far with Graves and pose a couple of questions.
I had positive Graves antibodies result in September 2023 / low TSH but T3 T4 in range. Radioiodine scan showed increased uptake / hyperthyroidism.
Started Carbimazole 5mg per day for 2 months. After the two months TSH was still undetectable but fT4 in the lower range and slightly lower than previous test. Endocrinologist prescribed Carbimazole for another 2 months (1 month at 5mg and following month drop to 2.5 mg).
I’m afraid at this point I took things into my own hands a little and tweaked my dose to half that (half a 5mg pill for one month and a quarter every other day for the next.)
Just had my follow up TSH /fT4 and endo visit at the 4 month mark from starting carbi and my TSH came up to just under range (up from 0.003 to 0.37 with ‘normal’ range of 0.4 – 4.5 and fT4 1.04 (range: 0.8 – 1.9). Endo suggested we discontinue carbi and check hormones in 3 months.
What concerned me was his statement that if remission had not been achieved and in 3 months levels are creeping out of range again that the only solution would then be thyroidectomy or RAI ablation.
I feel horrified at the finality of that conclusion and I asked if I could continue on a very low dose of carbi for the next 3 months to give a little more time for remission (having read here, thanks to all of you, that perhaps the longer the carbi therapy the higher the likelihood of remission).
I am basically stalling for time as I can’t accept either of the treatment options offered if I have not sprung into remission. So far I have been subclinical all along so I am fearful of rash and irreversible prognoses.
Forgive the long post but I would be interested to have any feedback from others regarding whether I might be right to continue the carbimazole for a while and what I should do in the event remission isn’t immediately achieved. The endocrinologist thinks that continuing on carbi at the moment will send me hypo (even though I have been taking a ridiculously low dose) and that if I haven't already achieved remission I am not likely to.
Any thoughts or similar experiences appreciated!