Hi all. I have Graves', and am currently titrating my Carbimazole as I had gone a bit underactive, and therefore not feeling well.
I'm currently on 5 mg three times a week..my last blood tests, in February, showed I was still a bit low through range. According to my endo, the dose I'm on is the lowest possible dose, and if I took any less, that's the same as stopping it altogether.
I'll be doing blood tests next month, but going on how I feel, my levels haven't improved at all.
I wondered if other people had any experience?
In April I will have been taking Carbimazole for a year, and whilst I know taking it for 18 months or more gives the best chance of remission, is that still the case when your levels aren't optimal, and you feel like poo?? Not sure how much longer I can cope, feeling like this.