I'm on 5 mg of carbimazole for the last 6 weeks my bloods where done 3 days ago....
Tsh 2.71 (0.27-4.2)
Ft4 16 (12-22)
Ft3 4.6 (3.1-6.8)
My results from Feb when I was on 10mg one day and 5mg next were
Tsh 3.95
Ft4 15
Ft3 4.4
I do feel so much better on this lower dose but I'm not 100 %. I am phase returning back to work but I can't seem to shift a groggy head it just feels muzzy, I am trying to read things at work and it just doesn't go in 🙄 I also have dry patches appear on my face and body and feel like my digestion is quite sluggish making me feel nauseas. On the plus side I am more myself I have been able to excercise short run,walks and low impact hiit sessions which help my low mood. I feel if I dropped my dose again I would feel even better but is it too soon? How long should I wait between dose drops?
Back in September I had antibodies test and it showed slightly elevated antibodies, very mild graves and very mild hasimotos at the same time!! To achieve remission or to come of carbimazole do these antibodies need to be back in range and when should I request a retest? (I have been on carbimazole since may 2017 and my thyroid has been in normal range since June 2017) .
Thanks ☺️