I had a thyroidectomy in 1984, to remove benign growths. The surgeon said about 25% thyroid remained, but he thought I would not need subsequent medication. I was not told to have regular thyroid function tests, and carried on with my busy life. After unrelated throat surgery in 1997, my consultant asked if I was annually tested for thyroid function, and as I replied in the negative, urged me to get GP to do so. GP Practice seemed reluctant, but eventually agreed, and I've had tests intermittently since 2001. Apparently, although I was not informed, my results have been 'borderline' for at least 7 years. Annual health checks from 2015 indicated rise in cholesterol ( it has gradually increased from 5.2 in 2004 to 6.00 in 2017, and has been a steady 6.6 ever since ) so I have been put under pressure to go on statins. As a very healthy active female, with an excellent diet, who comes from a very longlived family ( 3 generations, both maternal and fraternal,well into their 90's) with no history of stroke or cardiovascular issues, I have consistently declined statin medication. In 2023 , I began to feel very tired, depressed ( both totally uncharacteristic) my nails brittle, cramp in legs and arms periodically etc, I consulted my GP. He pointed out that I had been subclinical hypothyroid for some time ( news to me !) and perhaps because of my age (77) my thyroid was failing. TSH test in March 2023 was 5.74, but I hadn't been contacted, as I had not complained of any symptoms. When I pointed out I hadn't got much thyroid gland left ( he didn't know that, although it's in my history ) he said I was lucky to have got through 40 years without medication, and ordered tests which showed TSH at 5.90, free T4 at 10.3. He prescribed 50mcg Levothyroxine per day, saying it may have to be increased. No T3 results are on my record. Next test September 23 showed TSH at 1.7, so I thought I was doing well. Last month I began to feel tired and depressed again, so booked my annual review full spectrum blood tests. I took advice from this site, and made certain it was a fasting test at 8 am with no meds. All results were fine, cholesterol at 6 .6 same as last few years , but TSH had risen to 2.69. No T4 provided. The only response from GP Practice via text message was to urge statins on me. When I responded by quoting NHS guidelines re hypothyroidism, and said I was more concerned my TSH had risen, text response was that TSH was well within guidelines, but if my symptoms persisted, I should ask for another thyroid function test in 3 months. Can you please advise me ? I don't want my symptoms to get worse, and I've no intention of taking statins.