Hi there,
I have a hiatus hernia, jus a small one by all accounts. Recently I have been having tests for thyroid problems due to finding a Nodulars on my thyroid with 1 dominate one 2.6cm. Also all vits and iron in bloods extremely low.
Anyway in the past 2 weeks my GERD has been so so bad, its seems to be everything I eat and it is so so painful. I've never been on medication for this, gaviscon just makes it 100 times worse.
I read on here to try betaine HC1 650mg ( I take 2) and I have to say immediately I got relief, instantly like a miracle. I also take 2 ACV tablets 1000mg in the morning.
My question is, is it ok to take both.
oh lastly Digestive enzymes, any info grateful thanks
Thank you x