I’ve been here before (the forum) but lost all my logon details so I’ve re-registered. I’m hitting the usual brick wall with my GP, so I’ll try once more before I do something I’m unhappy about,but I’m getting desperate.
Briefly, my TSH is slowly increasing. By which I mean that my most recent results have been:
Sept 23: 1.42
Nov 23: 1.69
both of these on NHS test via GP (and this November result was after being tested in the afternoon because although I should have had a fasting test first thing, that’s not what I was offered…)
Jan 24: 2.31 via Medichecks.
I participated in the Future Health survey in November, and at that time they measured my cholesterol at 9.11 (eek) so I contacted my GP surgery to get a retest as I was advised at the Future Health screening that their results aren’t as accurate as from the GP. I said to my doctor specifically that of course my cholesterol was increasing because of my thyroid, and he seemed a bit surprised that I was even aware that this could happen. I’ve had statins before, for six months, when I was first diagnosed with Hashi’s..but I negotiated with my GP that once my TSH was under control, I could stop them and see if Levo would take care of my cholesterol level as well as my Thyroid. After 6 months on statins, my cholesterol had dropped like a stone, and I stopped statins with my GP’s blessing.
Anyway, at my last GP appt on December 1st, with my cholesterol results (actually a LOT lower than 9.11: the NHS test came back at 6.1) and my November TSH result, my GP was desperate to put me back on statins. This, despite me saying that I’m starting to feel worse in terms of thyroid symptoms. I’m gaining weight, losing hair, sleeping badly..and yes, my cholesterol is elevated. I’ve only ever been on 50mcg of levothyroxine, and I really feel that it needs reviewing and increasing, and that doing so would probably help reduce my cholesterol as well as helping my hypo symptoms.
I need to book another blood test shortly, as my GP wanted a review in 3 months to check my cholesterol and thyroid function.
My question is, are there any other arguments I should be making to my GP regarding an increase in my thyroid meds? I’m primarily concerned that it’s easy for them to give me statins for my cholesterol, but that’s just masking the issue that it’s my thyroid which is the root problem. I’m getting very close to taking matters into my own hands and increasing my dose myself.
As an aside, I have a very healthy diet, never had high cholesterol before my thyroid health declined, and don’t have a family history of high cholesterol.