After being on 125mcg Levo for 25 years it was reduced to 100mch last year as my GP said my blood results were indicating over-medicating.
I asked for an Endo referral and he carried out a blood test which showed the following...
TSH 7.01
T4 13
T3 3.6
He then advised my GP to increase Levo to 125mcg. He informed me that I am a good converter to T3 (I questioned whether I needed to be on a natural med rstger than synthetic Levo) but that I may start to feel better if my TSH is closer to 1.
I also have Primary Biliary Chirossis (stage 1) and take 750mcg of Ursodeoxycholic daily as well as vitamin D and Vitamin B12
Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I continue to feel lethargic all the time, experience low mood and have interrupted poor sleep.