I have been hypothyroid for 17 years, post thyroid cancer.
I was stable on 200mcg for 10 years until recently moving House and changing my GP.
I was advised not to eat or have caffeine for at least half an hour after taking my medication which I did. I felt great but my T4 levels rose.
I have been told to reduce my dose and having blood tests to check it regularly.
14th June T4 34.6 (range 10-23) taking 175mcg
3rd August T4 27.9 (range 10-23) taking 175 x3 days and 150 x 4 days.
20th October T4 30.1 (range 10-23)?taking 150mcg.
T3 4.5 (range 3.1-6.8)
I asked for my T3 to be checked as I was worrying about beginning to feel unwell. My GP doesn’t do this ‘normally’. I also pointed out that my T4 blood test had gone up when my medication had gone down, but GP didn’t seem concerned. Asked to reduce to 125mcg.
I’ve been taking 125mcg for 2 weeks and feel awful. I’m now off work sick as I’m exhausted, difficulty concentrating etc. Usual hypo type symptoms.
I’m waiting for a call from my GP to discuss what happens next.
I’m interested to see if taking T3 with my T4 might help, and also keep GP happy with my lab results. I’m assuming now I feel awful my Next T4 test will show within the range!
But if he won’t prescribe it, where could I get it from please?